347. Carmen Magna Wolf (Pedro Cyrillo Wolf , Pedro Wolf , Magdalena Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 25/03/1928 in Novo Hamburgo, RS.
Carmen married Evaldo Zimmer son of Júlio Zimmer and Joana Bondin on 19/01/1957 in Novo Hamburgo, RS. Evaldo was born on 20/01/1929 in São Vendelino, RS.
They had the following children:
348. Osmar Heineck (Lauro , Nicolau , Frederico , Christian , Valentin ).
He had the following children:
625 F i Marisete Heineck.
361. Valdo Heineck (José Alfonso , João , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ).
He had the following children:
+ 626 F i Cristine Heineck was born on 26/05/1966. 627 M ii Clayton Conrado Heineck was born in Lajeado, RS, Brasil . Clayton married (1) Luciane Feldens. Luciane was born in Lajeado, RS, Brasil . Clayton married (2) Goreti XXXXXX.
362. Pedro Olmar Heineck (Oscar Francisco , João , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 03/09/1933 in Lajeado, RS.
Pedro married Maria Rotta daughter of Domingos Rotta and Herminia Vieira.
They had the following children:
+ 628 F i Marcia Regina Heineck was born on 24/02/1960. + 629 F ii Maria Angélica Heineck was born on 29/07/1962. + 630 F iii Cyntia Elizabeth Heineck was born on 26/06/1966.
368. Paulo Ignácio Heineck [image] 1 (Natalício , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 26/07/1934 in Lajeado, RS. He died on 10/01/1998 in Lajeado, RS. The cause of death was Câncer. Paulo was employed as Industrial.
Paulo married Jurema Maria Reinheimer on 09/04/1966 in Lajeado, RS. Jurema was born on 29/03/1941 in Arroio do Meio, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
+ 631 F i Débora Heineck was born on 26/01/1967. + 632 F ii Isabela Heineck was born on 14/07/1968. 633 M iii Paulo Roberto Heineck was born on 27/08/1970 in Lajeado, RS. Paulo was employed as Administrador de Empresas . Paulo married Roselaine Tondo Gabrielli on 07/05/2011 in Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.
369. Nestor José Heineck [image] (Natalício , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 21/07/1936 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.
Nestor married Isolina Coletti on 21/01/1961 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. Isolina was born on 15/07/1937.
They had the following children:
+ 634 M i Ricardo Luiz Heineck was born on 22/12/1961. + 635 M ii Fernando Cesar Heineck was born on 08/10/1964. + 636 M iii Alexandre José Heineck was born on 25/03/1967.
370. Dóris Helena Heineck (Natalício , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 09/03/1940 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.
Dóris married Armindo Pavoni on 08/02/1974 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. Armindo was born on 15/04/1940 in Coqueiro Baixo, Encantado, RS, Brasil. He died on 17/01/2006 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
+ 637 M i Tiago Pavoni was born on 22/07/1976. + 638 M ii Tadeu Pavoni was born on 02/06/1978.
371. Gerda Teresinha Heineck [image] (Natalício , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 01/09/1943 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.
Gerda married 1 Max Gunder Dolgener [image] son of Johannes Georg Dolgener and Alma Brinkmann on 22/02/1964 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. Max was born 2 on 16/05/1939 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
+ 639 F i Rosângela Dolgener was born on 30/12/1964. + 640 M ii Jorge Roberto Dolgener was born on 28/06/1966.
372. Jurema Heineck (Otto , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ).
They had the following children:
+ 641 F i Cinara Maria Schmidt was born on 10/07/1974. + 642 F ii Jussara Teresinha Schmidt was born on 01/11/1976. 643 M iii Leandro José Schmidt was born on 05/08/1979 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil . + 644 M iv Márcio Luis Schmidt was born on 10/07/1981. + 645 M v João Paulo Schmidt was born on 22/02/1983. 646 M vi André Francisco Schmidt was born on 03/12/1986 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil .
373. Reneu Artur Heineck (Arthur , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ).
They had the following children:
+ 647 F i Maria de Lurdes Heineck. + 648 M ii Carlos Roberto Heineck. + 649 M iii Marcos Reneu Heineck. + 650 F iv Maria Aparecida Heineck.
374. Nadir Julita Heineck (Arthur , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ).
Nadir married José Ari da Silva Costa.
They had the following children:
+ 651 F i Rossana Costa. + 652 M ii Ricardo Costa. 653 M iii Rogério Costa. 654 F iv Rossi Costa. 655 F v Patrícia Costa was born in 1979.
375. Nelcy Therezinha Schwade (Julita Heineck , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 28/03/1935 in Estrela, RS, Brasil. She died on 28/05/2014 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.
Nelcy married Rudy Lautert on 18/01/1958 in Estrela, RS, Brasil. Rudy was born on 26/05/1926 in Estrela, RS, Brasil. He died on 17/04/2008 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
656 F i Mirtes Catarina Lautert was born on 03/12/1958 in Estrela, RS, Brasil. + 657 F ii Marione Luísa Lautert was born on 06/03/1960. + 658 M iii Márcio Willibaldo Lautert was born on 09/05/1970.