376. Nirce Suzana Schwade (Julita Heineck , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 15/11/1940 in Estrela, RS, Brasil. She died on 30/04/1987 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.
Nirce married Pedro Valmor Schardong on 05/07/1958 in Estrela, RS, Brasil. Pedro was born on 10/02/1937 in Cruzeiro do Sul, RS, Brasil. He died on 31/07/2015 in Cruzeiro do Sul, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
+ 659 F i Solange Elisa Schardong was born on 03/06/1959. + 660 M ii Valnir Schardong was born on 27/07/1963. + 661 M iii Erich Schardong was born on 11/11/1964. + 662 M iv André Schardong was born on 22/08/1966. + 663 M v Carlos Schardong was born on 03/06/1971. + 664 F vi Sônia Helena Schardong was born on 09/01/1976.
378. Marisa Therezinha Heberle (Leonora Heineck , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ).
Marisa married Lyro José Wiebelling on 24/01/1959 in Cruzeiro do Sul, RS, Brasil. Lyro was born on 19/03/1934 in Linha Terezinha, Venâncio Aires, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
+ 665 F i Adriane Inês Wiebelling was born on 24/09/1966. She died on 22/12/2002. + 666 M ii Fábio Luis Wiebelling was born on 09/01/1973.
379. Astor Inácio Heberle (Leonora Heineck , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 24/08/1944.
Astor married (1) Lovane Bion.
They had the following children:
+ 667 M i Maximiliano Heberle was born on 11/05/1978. 668 F ii Graziela Heberle.
Astor married (2) Gerta Linke on 29/01/1994 in Cruzeiro do Sul, RS, Brasil. Gerta was born on 03/09/1955 in Cruzeiro do Sul, RS, Brasil.
380. Dulce Maria Heberle (Leonora Heineck , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 13/02/1949 in Cruzeiro do Sul, RS, Brasil.
Dulce married Valdir Fraga on 18/12/1967. Valdir was born on 09/09/1951 in Canoas, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
+ 669 F i Sabrina Fraga was born on 23/07/1978. + 670 F ii Samantha Fraga.
381. Elaine Maria Heberle (Leonora Heineck , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 27/11/1950 in Cruzeiro do Sul, RS, Brasil.
Elaine married (1) Augusto Cézar Heineck "Kuka" son of Edvino Heineck and Irene Scherer.
They had the following children:
+ 671 F i Aline Heineck was born on 27/05/1974.
Elaine married (2) Albano Arnaldo Ely on 14/02/1981 in Cruzeiro do Sul, RS, Brasil. Albano was born on 07/11/1948 in Cruzeiro do Sul, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
672 M ii Moisés Victo Ely was born on 13/08/1981 in Cruzeiro do Sul, RS, Brasil. Moisés married Tâmara Bishoff on 13/10/2008 in Arroio do Meio, RS, Brasil. Tâmara was born on 03/03/1980 in Arroio do Meio, RS, Brasil. 673 F iii Camila Isabel Ely was born on 12/12/1985 in Não-Me-Toque, RS, Brasil. She died on 13/12/1985 in Não-Me-Toque, RS, Brasil. 674 M iv Josué Afonso Ely was born on 12/12/1985 in Não-Me-Toque, RS, Brasil. He died on 13/12/1985 in Não-Me-Toque, RS, Brasil. + 675 F v Gabriela Cristina Ely was born on 01/03/1988.
382. Rudá Arlindo Rockenbach (Pedro Alberto Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 11/09/1921 in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
Rudá married Erica Walburga Schütz. Erica was born on 25/02/1925.
Rudá and Erica had the following children:
+ 676 F i Maria Bernadete Rockenbach was born on 31/08/1955. + 677 M ii Paulo Rudá Rockenbach was born on 09/10/1957. + 678 M iii Luís Fernando Rockenbach.
383. Iracema Jandira Rockenbach (Pedro Alberto Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 04/12/1922 in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
Iracema married Arlindo Bencke. Arlindo was born on 30/04/1922. He died on 12/07/1984.
Arlindo and Iracema had the following children:
+ 679 F i Sonia Maria Bencke was born on 24/08/1940. She died on 20/04/1982. + 680 M ii Carlos Alberto Bencke was born on 03/04/1948. 681 F iii Joseane Bencke was born on 26/06/1957. [Notes] Joseane married Ivo Hober. Ivo was born on 19/08/1953. [Notes] 682 M iv Luciano Bencke was born on 28/03/1963. [Notes]
384. Zeno Oscar Rockenbach (Pedro Alberto Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 08/11/1924 in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
Zeno married Leny Jung. Leny was born on 29/01/1930.
Zeno and Leny had the following children:
+ 683 F i Sandra Regina Rockenbach was born on 22/08/1948. + 684 M ii Jorge Alberto Rockenbach was born on 12/09/1952. 685 F iii Rejane Beatriz Rockenbach was born on 06/11/1957. [Notes] Rejane married Luiz Alberto Freire. Luiz was born on 31/03/1950. [Notes]
385. Ursula Rosita Rockenbach (Pedro Alberto Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 04/02/1926 in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
Ursula married Galileu Mitri on 02/06/1948 in Santo Angelo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Galileu was born on 03/11/1920.
Galileu and Ursula had the following children:
+ 686 M i Leandro Mitri was born on 13/10/1955.
386. Imelda Julita Rockenbach (Pedro Alberto Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 15/05/1928 in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
Imelda married Eduino Faustini. Eduino was born on 12/01/1923.
Eduino and Imelda had the following children:
687 F i Angela Faustini was born on 05/06/1951. [Notes] Angela married Francisco de Castro Rodrigues. [Notes] 688 F ii Cristina Faustini was born on 05/06/1958. [Notes]
387. Léo Rockenbach (Pedro Alberto Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 30/04/1931 in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. He died on 25/10/1987.
Léo married Erna Christensen on 13/01/1954 in Santo Angelo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Erna was born on 01/10/1931. She died on 24/06/1997.
Léo and Erna had the following children:
+ 689 F i Lavinia Rockenbach was born on 01/01/1955. + 690 F ii Verônica Rockenbach was born on 22/11/1957.
388. Lia Belmira Rockenbach (Pedro Alberto Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 02/03/1933 in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
Lia married Saul Viecelli Barcellos on 13/01/1954. Saul was born on 05/06/1932.
Saul and Lia had the following children:
+ 691 M i Roberto Barcellos was born on 12/04/1955. He died in 1977. + 692 F ii Regina Barcellos was born on 23/12/1958.