Descendants of Valentin Heineck

Seventh Generation


671. Aline Heineck (Elaine Maria Heberle , Leonora Heineck , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 27/05/1974.

Aline married Eldo Dullius on 29/05/1993 in Cruzeiro do Sul, RS, Brasil. Eldo was born on 13/01/1964.

They had the following children:

  871 M i Igor Dullius was born on 17/09/1999 in Cruzeiro do Sul, RS, Brasil.

675. Gabriela Cristina Ely (Elaine Maria Heberle , Leonora Heineck , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 01/03/1988 in Não-Me-Toque, RS, Brasil.

Gabriela married Samuel Nonemacher on 28/07/2006 in Cruzeiro do Sul, RS, Brasil. Samuel was born on 12/03/1981 in Cruzeiro do Sul, RS, Brasil.

They had the following children:

  872 F i Joana Ely Nonemacher was born on 02/09/2011 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.

676. Maria Bernadete Rockenbach (Rudá Arlindo Rockenbach , Pedro Alberto Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 31/08/1955.


Maria married Alziro Fabrício Antunes. Alziro was born on 28/03/1947.


Alziro and Maria had the following children:

  873 M i Marianna Rockenbach Antunes was born on 13/04/1978. [Notes]
  874 F ii Livia Rockenbach Antunes was born on 17/04/1979. [Notes]
  875 M iii Fabrício Rockenbach Antunes was born on 12/05/1981. [Notes]
  876 M iv Inacio Rockenbach Antunes was born on 27/02/1983. [Notes]
  877 F v Bárbara Rockenbach Antunes was born on 02/02/1995. [Notes]

677. Paulo Rudá Rockenbach (Rudá Arlindo Rockenbach , Pedro Alberto Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 09/10/1957.


Paulo married Maria Ester Bernardi.


Paulo and Maria had the following children:

  878 F i Patricia Bernardi Rockenbach was born on 11/01/1988. [Notes]
  879 F ii Priscila Bernardi Rockenbach was born on 24/02/1992. [Notes]

678. Luís Fernando Rockenbach (Rudá Arlindo Rockenbach , Pedro Alberto Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ).


Luís married Rosaneti Larré.


Luís and Rosaneti had the following children:

  880 M i Matheus Larré Rockenbach.[Notes]
  881 F ii Fernanda Larré Rockenbach.[Notes]

679. Sonia Maria Bencke (Iracema Jandira Rockenbach , Pedro Alberto Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 24/08/1940. She died on 20/04/1982.


Sonia married Moacyr Rigo. Moacyr was born on 25/07/1943.


Moacyr and Sonia had the following children:

  882 F i Roberta Rigo was born on 17/05/1971. [Notes]
  883 F ii Raquel Rigo was born on 17/05/1974. [Notes]

680. Carlos Alberto Bencke (Iracema Jandira Rockenbach , Pedro Alberto Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 03/04/1948.


Carlos married Dalva Regina. Dalva was born on 05/08/1952.


Carlos and Dalva had the following children:

  884 F i Fabiana Regina Bencke was born on 20/07/1974. [Notes]
  885 M ii Carlos Leonardo Bencke was born on 30/06/1979. [Notes]

683. Sandra Regina Rockenbach (Zeno Oscar Rockenbach , Pedro Alberto Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 22/08/1948.


Sandra married Affonso Rigo. Affonso was born on 23/04/1940.


Affonso and Sandra had the following children:

  886 M i Cezar Rigo was born on 30/11/1967. [Notes]
  887 F ii Rochiele Rigo was born on 17/07/1975. [Notes]

684. Jorge Alberto Rockenbach (Zeno Oscar Rockenbach , Pedro Alberto Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 12/09/1952.


Jorge married Elizeslei Menezes. Elizeslei was born on 02/03/1955.


Jorge and Elizeslei had the following children:

  888 F i Grazziela Menezes Rockenbach was born on 03/04/1979. [Notes]
  889 M ii Nathan Menezes Rockenbach was born on 12/01/1981. [Notes]

686. Leandro Mitri (Ursula Rosita Rockenbach , Pedro Alberto Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 13/10/1955.


Leandro married Lori Gerloff. Lori was born on 17/03/1955.


Leandro and Lori had the following children:

  890 F i Juliana Mitri was born on 12/11/1977. [Notes]
  891 F ii Anelieze Mitri was born on 01/08/1981. [Notes]
  892 F iii Aline Mitri was born on 01/08/1981. [Notes]

689. Lavinia Rockenbach (Léo Rockenbach , Pedro Alberto Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 01/01/1955.


Lavinia married Valdines Ferrari Vieira. Valdines was born on 16/04/1952.


Valdines and Lavinia had the following children:

  893 F i Carolina Rockenbach Vieira was born on 17/03/1978. [Notes]
  894 M ii Frederico Rockenbach Vieira was born on 08/05/1983. [Notes]
  895 F iii Gabriele Rockenbach Vieira was born on 27/09/1984. [Notes]

690. Verônica Rockenbach (Léo Rockenbach , Pedro Alberto Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 22/11/1957 in Santo Angelo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.


Verônica married Telmo Medeiros de Almeida. The marriage ended in divorce.Telmo was born on 22/05/1938 in Giruá, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.


Telmo and Verônica had the following children:

  896 M i Breno Rockenbach de Almeida was born on 03/11/1989 in Santo Angelo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. [Notes]
  897 F ii Francielli Rockenbach de Almeida was born on 01/10/1991 in Santo Angelo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. [Notes]

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