Descendants of Valentin Heineck

Seventh Generation


658. Márcio Willibaldo Lautert (Nelcy Therezinha Schwade , Julita Heineck , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 09/05/1970 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.

Márcio married Andréa Almeida. Andréa was born on 06/06/1975 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.

They had the following children:

  850 F i Maria Caroline Lautert was born on 26/11/1995. [Notes]
  851 M ii Artur Lautert was born on 26/07/1997 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.

659. Solange Elisa Schardong (Nirce Suzana Schwade , Julita Heineck , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 03/06/1959 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.

Solange married José Brentana Eidt on 29/11/1986 in Estrela, RS, Brasil. José was born on 16/03/1956 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.

They had the following children:

  852 M i Pedro Augusto Eidt was born on 08/06/1991 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.
  853 M ii Luís Felipe Eidt was born on 14/05/1993 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.

660. Valnir Schardong (Nirce Suzana Schwade , Julita Heineck , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 27/07/1963 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.

Valnir married Vera Clair Lima on 02/01/1988 in Estrela, RS, Brasil. Vera was born on 07/04/1962 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.

They had the following children:

  854 M i Frederico Schardong was born on 02/06/1991 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.
  855 M ii Gustavo Schardong was born on 25/03/1993 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.
  856 M iii Marcelo Schardong was born on 28/07/1997 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.

661. Erich Schardong (Nirce Suzana Schwade , Julita Heineck , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 11/11/1964 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.

Erich married Janice Schuster on 11/11/1988 in Estrela, RS, Brasil. Janice was born 21/09.

They had the following children:

  857 M i Guilherme Schardong was born on 25/09/1990 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.

662. André Schardong (Nirce Suzana Schwade , Julita Heineck , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 22/08/1966 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.

André married Adriana Delavald. The marriage ended in divorce.Adriana was born on 11/05/1969.

They had the following children:

  858 F i Luísa Schardong was born on 25/10/1993 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.

663. Carlos Schardong (Nirce Suzana Schwade , Julita Heineck , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 03/06/1971 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.

Carlos married Cristina Cananéa 18/02 in Estrela, RS, Brasil. Cristina was born 21/07 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.

They had the following children:

  859 M i Henrique Cananéa Schardong was born in 0002 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.
  860 F ii Nathália Cananéa Schardong was born 16/05 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.

664. Sônia Helena Schardong (Nirce Suzana Schwade , Julita Heineck , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 09/01/1976 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.

Sônia married Israel Teixeira Matias.

They had the following children:

  861 F i Helena Schardong Matias was born on 15/10/2010 in Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.

665. Adriane Inês Wiebelling (Marisa Therezinha Heberle , Leonora Heineck , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 24/09/1966 in Cruzeiro do Sul, RS, Brasil. She died on 22/12/2002.

Adriane married Luís Henrique Kolling. The marriage ended in divorce.

They had the following children:

  862 F i Carolina Kolling was born 15/02 in Cruzeiro do Sul, RS, Brasil.
  863 F ii Mariana Kolling was born on 26/11/1989 in Cruzeiro do Sul, RS, Brasil.

666. Fábio Luis Wiebelling (Marisa Therezinha Heberle , Leonora Heineck , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 09/01/1973.

Fábio married Aline Gerhardt on 09/12/2002.

They had the following children:

  864 F i Clarissa Gerhardt Wiebelling was born on 13/03/2009 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.
  865 M ii Felipe Gerhardt Wiebelling was born on 02/12/2014 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.

667. Maximiliano Heberle (Astor Inácio Heberle , Leonora Heineck , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 11/05/1978.

Maximiliano married Graziela Cord. Graziela was born on 02/10/1972.

They had the following children:

  866 F i Maria Flor Cord Heberle was born on 14/03/2017.

669. Sabrina Fraga (Dulce Maria Heberle , Leonora Heineck , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 23/07/1978 in Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.

Sabrina married Patrick Ravase Pereira on 09/12/2002 in Três Corações, MG, Brasil. Patrick was born on 25/02/1978.

They had the following children:

  867 F i Ágata Fraga Ravase Pereira was born on 24/11/2006 in Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.
  868 F ii Agnes Fraga Ravase Pereira was born on 30/07/2017 in Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.

670. Samantha Fraga (Dulce Maria Heberle , Leonora Heineck , Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ).

Samantha married Victor Hugo Cunha Dias.

They had the following children:

  869 M i João Vitor Fraga Dias was born on 11/05/2013 in Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brasil.
  870 M ii Eduardo Fraga Dias was born on 19/05/2015 in Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brasil.

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