Descendants of Valentin Heineck

Fourth Generation


78. João Heineck Sobrinho (Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 06/01/1873. He died on 20/06/1965. He was buried in Cemitério Católico de Lajeado, RS.


João married Luiza Kuhn daughter of João Kuhn and Maria Junges. Luiza was born on 27/01/1879. She died on 07/09/1944.

They had the following children:

  178 F i Maria Margarida Heineck was born on 28/03/1897 in Harmonia. [Notes]
  179 F ii Marcolina Paulina Heineck "Irmã Célia" was born on 10/04/1900 in Harmonia. She died on 27/08/1994 in Santa Maria, RS. She was buried in Santa Maria, RS. [Notes]
+ 180 M iii José Alfonso Heineck was born on 11/04/1902. He died on 23/08/1972.
  181 F iv Martha Mathildes Heineck was born on 11/09/1904 in Harmonia. [Notes]
  182 F v Ottilia Maria Heineck was born on 21/07/1906. [Notes]
+ 183 M vi Oscar Francisco Heineck was born on 07/08/1908. He died on 07/01/1980.

79. Pedro Willibrando Heineck (Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 06/08/1873. He died on 28/06/1927 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. He was buried in Cemitério Católico de Lajeado.

Pedro married Catharina Guilland daughter of Felippe Guilland and Maria Renner. Catharina was born on 07/07/1871. She died on 29/11/1952 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. She was buried in Cemitério Católico de Lajeado, RS.

They had the following children:

  184 F i Renaldina Heineck was born on 01/01/1894. She died on 30/10/1975 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. She was buried in Cemitério Católico de Lajeado, RS. [Notes]
+ 185 M ii Natalício Heineck was born on 11/12/1901. He died on 07/08/1966.
+ 186 M iii Otto Heineck.
+ 187 M iv Arthur Heineck.
+ 188 F v Julita Heineck.
+ 189 F vi Leonora Heineck.
  190 vii Avelino Heineck.

80. Leopoldina Heineck (Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 13/10/1876 in São Sebastião do Cai, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. She died on 01/08/1962 in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.


Leopoldina married 1 Mathias Rockenbach Filho son of Mathias Rockenbach and Helena Barth on 11/05/1897 in Harmonia, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Mathias was born on 14/02/1875 in Montenegro, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. He died on 11/12/1945 in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.


They had the following children:

+ 191 M i Pedro Alberto Rockenbach was born on 17/03/1898.
+ 192 M ii Henrique Affonso Rockenbach was born on 01/08/1899. He died on 31/07/1931.
+ 193 M iii Avelino Rockenbach was born on 29/07/1901. He died on 26/06/1996.
+ 194 F iv Ottilia Rockenbach was born on 01/05/1903. She died on 24/05/1995.
  195 F v Irma Rockenbach was born on 12/06/1906 in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. She died on 19/05/1962. [Notes]
+ 196 M vi Carlos Fridolino Rockenbach was born on 13/07/1908. He died on 05/05/1981.
+ 197 M vii Armando Rockenbach was born on 01/11/1910. He died on 18/09/1970.

81. Anna Maria Augusta Heineck 1 (Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 11/11/1879 in Três Mares, Bom Princípio, RS. She was christened on 30/11/1879 in São João, São José do Hortêncio, RS.

Anna married José Kuhn [image] son of João Kuhn and Maria Junges. José died 1 on 03/05/1946 in Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. He was buried in Cemitério São José, Porto Alegre, RS. José was employed as Operário.


They had the following children:

  198 M i José Luiz Kuhn.
  199 M ii Felipe Claudino Kuhn.
  200 F iii Otília Kuhn.
  201 iv Menoni Kuhn.
  202 M v João Edmindo Kuhn.
  203 M vi João Octacílio Kuhn.
  204 F vii Lúcia Kuhn.

83. Emília Heineck (Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 02/10/1889 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.

Emília married João Konrath.

They had the following children:

+ 205 F i Julita Konrath.
  206 F ii Camila Konrath.
  207 F iii Irma Konrath.
  208 F iv Erna Konrath.
  209 M v Oscar Konrath.
  210 M vi Alvício Konrath.
  211 M vii Arthur Konrath.

86. Adelina Heineck (Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born in 1895.


Adelina married Eremundo Frederico Ely.

They had the following children:

  212 F i Maria Norma Ely was born in 1919 in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. [Notes]
        Maria married Edwino Rockenbach son of Henrique Rockenbach and Regina Büttdinger on 15/05/1940 in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Edwino was born on 27/09/1916 in Arroio do Meio, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. [Notes]
  213 M ii Telmo Ely.

87. João Eloy Heineck (Pedro , Christian , Valentin ).

João married (1) Metalina Bolkenhagen. Metalina was born on 21/01/1886. She died on 20/09/1918 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. She was buried in Cemitério Católico de Lajeado, RS.

They had the following children:

  214 M i Reymundo Heineck was born on 06/05/1910. He died on 23/11/2005 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. He was buried in Cemitério Católico de Lajeado, RS.
        Reymundo married Carolina Leonilla Bennemann. Carolina was born on 10/01/1916. She died on 12/06/2005 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. She was buried in Cemitério Católico de Lajeado, RS.
+ 215 M ii Edvino Heineck was born on 04/09/1913. He died on 31/01/1993.
  216 F iii Leonilda Heineck.
+ 217 M iv Nilo Heineck.

João married (2) Márcia Müller.

They had the following children:

  218 F v Hertha Heineck.
  219 M vi Aray Heineck "Muca" was born on 25/06/192. He died on 29/06/1973 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. He was buried in Cemitério Católico de Lajeado, RS.
  220 M vii Othmar Heineck was born on 07/05/1925. He died on 30/05/1926 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. He was buried in Cemitério Católico de Lajeado, RS.

91. Felippe Leopoldo Heineck (Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 01/09/1878 in São Leopoldo, RS, Brasil. He was christened 1 on 27/10/1878 in São Leopoldo, RS, Brasil. He died 18/09 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. The cause of death was Insuficiência cardíaca congestiva.


Felippe married Ignez Rosa da Conceição on 31/08/1912 in Taquari, RS, Brasil. Ignez was born on 17/04/1892 in São Miguel, Taquari, RS, Brasil. She died on 13/07/1976 in Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.

They had the following children:

  221 F i Iracema Heineck was born on 21/07/1913 in Encantado, RS, Brasil. She died on 06/04/1941 in Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. The cause of death was Trombose pulmonar. [Notes]
+ 222 F ii Irma Heineck was born on 27/09/1914. She died on 11/10/1996.
  223 F iii Idarcy Heineck was born on 14/01/1916 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. She died on 27/09/1938 in Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. The cause of death was Tuberculose pulmonar.
  224 F iv Iria Heineck was born on 12/07/1917 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. She died on 26/07/2011 in Caxias do Sul, RS, Brasil. The cause of death was Adenocarcinoma metastático. She was buried in Cremada. [Notes]
+ 225 F v Elite Heineck was born on 13/12/1918. She died on 08/12/1997.
+ 226 F vi Ilse Heineck was born on 09/01/1921.
+ 227 F vii Hilda Heineck was born on 21/02/1923. She died on 07/11/2001.
+ 228 F viii Maria Carmen Heineck was born on 17/04/1925.
+ 229 M ix José Telmo Heineck was born on 08/05/1927.
+ 230 F x Therezinha Lia Heineck was born on 06/11/1928.
+ 231 M xi Walmir Gaston Heineck was born on 03/05/1931.
+ 232 M xii João Nivaldo Heineck was born on 29/07/1933.
+ 233 F xiii Niva Heineck was born on 29/07/1933.

93. Helena Othilda Heineck (Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 14/01/1882 in São Leopoldo, RS, Brasil.

Helena married João Zart on 26/07/1898. João was born on 05/04/1874 in Maratá, RS, Brasil.


João and Helena had the following children:

+ 234 M i Raymundo Zart was born on 29/08/1899.
  235 F ii Maria Irena Zart was born on 03/12/1904 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. She died on 11/04/1906.
  236 F iii Julita Zart was born on 05/02/1909 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.
        Julita married xxxxxx xxxxxx on 05/12/1931.
  237 M iv Norberto Zart was born on 17/03/1911 in Roca Salles, RS, Brasil.

94. Alfredo Heineck 1 (Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 10/04/1885 in Lajeado, RS. He died on 29/03/1954 in Passo Fundo, RS. Alfredo was employed as Ourives.

Alfredo married 1 Hedwiges Hexsel daughter of Luís Felipe Hexsel and Idalina Elisabete Schroeder on 14/12/1912 in Lajeado, RS. Hedwiges was born on 11/03/1891 in Lajeado, RS. She died 2 on 09/01/1975 in Passo Fundo.

They had the following children:

+ 238 M i Belmiro Armando Heineck was born on 11/09/1913. He died on 27/06/1978.
  239 M ii Orlando Osmar Heineck was born on 08/07/1915 in Lajeado, RS. He died on 16/03/1930 in Porto Mariante. The cause of death was Afogado no Rio Taquari.
+ 240 F iii Erna Heineck was born on 10/02/1924.

95. Antonio Otto Heineck (Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 30/03/1889 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. He died on 03/09/1955. He was buried in Cemitério Católico de Lajeado, RS. Antonio was employed as Representante Comercial e Gerente de Banco.

Antonio married Adolphina Ruschel on 17/10/1917. Adolphina was born on 11/05/1895 in Estrela, RS, Brasil. She died on 04/07/1960 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. She was buried in Cemitério Católico de Lajeado, RS.

They had the following children:

+ 241 M i Rubem Walter Heineck was born on 02/08/1918.
+ 242 M ii Vitor Hugo Heineck was born on 01/07/1920.
+ 243 M iii Mário Oscar Heineck was born on 19/09/1921. He died on 29/10/2002.
+ 244 M iv Elmar Rudolfo Heineck was born on 03/09/1923.
  245 M v Aldo Ernesto Heineck was born on 03/09/1923 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. He died on 15/09/1923 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.
+ 246 F vi Therezinha Heineck was born on 11/10/1925.
+ 247 F vii Helga Heineck was born on 13/11/1927. She died on 04/03/2012.
+ 248 M viii Adalberto Ignácio Heineck was born on 24/10/1929.
+ 249 M ix Werner Otto Heineck was born on 26/08/1931. He died on 05/02/1976.
+ 250 F x Clarissa Heineck was born on 24/01/1933.
+ 251 M xi Gilberto Antonio Heineck was born on 10/05/1935.
  252 M xii Carlos Lothar Heineck was born on 17/12/1936 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. He died on 28/04/1937 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.

96. Olga Heineck (Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 21/01/1892 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. She died in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.

Olga married João Alberto Schmidt on 11/06/1911 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. João was born on 21/12/1885.

They had the following children:

  253 F i Darcilla Schmidt was born on 07/07/1912 in Passo Fundo, RS, Brasil.
  254 F ii Iraci Schmidt was born on 12/06/1918 in Passo Fundo, RS, Brasil.
  255 F iii Edy Schmidt was born on 04/06/1922 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.
  256 M iv Eugênio Almyro Schmidt was born on 07/09/1923 in Passo Fundo, RS, Brasil. He died 08/1997 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.
  257 M v Nivaldo Darcy Schmidt was born on 22/04/1929 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.

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