38. Joanetta Becker (Mariana Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 11/09/1864 in Hamburgo Velho, RS. She died on 07/05/1921 in Travessão, Dois Irmãos, RS.
Joanetta married Peter Sänger [image] 1 son of Johann Senger and Maria Magdalena Koch on 07/08/1881 in Dois Irmãos, RS, Brasil. Peter was born on 28/07/1860. He died on 09/05/1919 in Hamburgo Velho, RS.
They had the following children:
134 M i Pedro Sanger Filho was born in 1883 in Hamburgo Velho, RS. Pedro married Idalina Lauer daughter of Jacob Lauer and Philippine Held on 29/10/1904 in Hamburgo Velho, RS. Idalina was born in 1884 in Hamburgo Velho, RS. 135 M ii Alberto Sanger was born in 1887. He died on 18/04/1919 in Campo Bom, RS. Alberto married Mathilde Hoffmeister on 30/01/1909 in Hamburgo Velho, RS. 136 M iii Emilio Pedro Sanger. Emilio married Emilia Maria Jäger on 10/02/1912 in Hamburgo Velho, RS. + 137 M iv Prudêncio Sänger was born in 1894. 138 M v M. Reinaldo Sanger was born on 30/07/1899. He died on 12/08/1983. M. Reinaldo Sanger married Alma Klippel. Alma was born on 28/05/1902. She died on 08/02/1925.
39. Friedrich Becker 1 (Mariana Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 25/02/1866 in Hamburgo Velho, RS. He died on 21/12/1946.
Friedrich married Wilhelmine Bohl 1. Wilhelmine was born on 07/06/1867. She died on 06/12/1947.
They had the following children:
+ 139 M i Frederico Becker Filho was born on 02/06/1888. He died on 28/07/1949. + 140 M ii Antônio Becker was born on 22/10/1889. He died on 25/06/1961. + 141 M iii José Becker Sobrinho was born on 09/10/1894. He died on 25/02/1968. + 142 M iv Miguel Becker was born on 17/04/1898. He died on 20/09/1976.
40. Josef Becker (Mariana Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 13/03/1869 in Hamburgo Velho, RS. He died on 13/08/1929. He was buried in Cemitério Católico de Hamburgo Velho.
Josef married Carolina Gröhs 1 daughter of Andreas Gröhs and Philippina Grub. Carolina was born on 26/12/1869. She died on 23/10/1940.
They had the following children:
47. Johannes Becker (Mariana Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 12/01/1878 in Hamburgo Velho, RS. He died on 15/06/1953. He was buried in Cemitério Católico de Hamburgo Velho.
Johannes married Anna Wickert daughter of Franz Wickert and Anna Philippsen on 26/07/1897 in Hamburgo Velho, RS. Anna was born on 15/03/1878 in Dois Irmãos, RS. She died on 31/05/1931.
They had the following children:
147 F i xxxxxx Becker. xxxxxx married Otávio Moura Ferreira. Otávio was born on 18/02/1922. He died on 15/12/1961.
50. Johann Julius Becker (Mariana Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 02/02/1881 in Hamburgo Velho, RS. He died on 20/09/1960. He was buried in Cemitério Católico de Hamburgo Velho.
Johann married Elisabeth Müller in 1900 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
58. Maria Magdalena Wolf (Magdalena Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 09/03/1865 in Dois Irmãos, RS. She died on 08/06/1947. She was buried in Cemitério Católico de Hamburgo Velho.
Maria married João Jorge Breitenbach. João was born on 12/01/1859. He died on 26/07/1915.
They had the following children:
+ 159 F i Leontina Breitenbach was born on 15/08/1887. She died on 03/04/1976. 160 M ii Pedro Theobaldo Breitenbach. 161 M iii A. Alfredo Breitenbach was born on 12/10/1890. He died on 27/07/1986. 162 F iv Lydia Breitenbach. Lydia married Germano Edmundo Stumpf son of Luiz Stumpf and Maria Christina Bender on 11/11/1911 in Hamburgo Velho, RS. Germano was born in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.
60. Pedro Wolf Filho (Magdalena Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 01/03/1869 in Dois Irmãos, RS, Brasil. He died on 04/02/1922 in Hamburgo Velho, RS, Brasil.
Pedro married (1) Anna Acker. Anna was born on 18/05/1870. She died on 05/08/1892. She was buried in Cemitério Católico de Hamburgo Velho.
They had the following children:
163 F i Ludwina Wolf. Ludwina married (1) Wilhelm Sauer. [Notes] Ludwina married (2) Ferdinand Sauer. [Notes] 164 F ii Ottilia Wolf was born in Hamburgo Velho, RS, Brasil.
Pedro married (2) Lydia Steigleder daughter of Michael Steigleder Filho and Philippine Becker. Lydia was born on 31/07/1873. She died on 31/01/1948. She was buried in Cemitério Evangélico de Novo Hamburgo.
They had the following children:
+ 165 M iii Pedro Cyrillo Wolf.
61. Augusto Wolf (Magdalena Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 01/10/1870 in Dois Irmãos, RS. He died on 01/12/1940. He was buried in Cemitério Católico de Hamburgo Velho.
Augusto married Maria Alles. Maria was born on 14/08/1873. She died on 27/12/1949.
They had the following children:
62. Jacob Julius Wolf (Magdalena Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 18/10/1872 in Dois Irmãos, RS. He died in Hamburgo Velho, RS.
Jacob married Belmira Becker Bern 1 daughter of Wilhelm Bern and Angela Becker. Belmira was born on 07/09/1879 in Novo Hamburgo, RS. She died on 09/06/1951 in Novo Hamburgo, RS.
They had the following children:
65. Nicolau Arthur Wolf (Magdalena Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 21/01/1887 in Dois Irmãos, RS. He died in São José dos Ausentes, Bom Jesus, RS.
Nicolau married Wilma Becker daughter of August Becker and Carolina Schmitt on 01/07/1911 in Novo Hamburgo, RS. Wilma was born on 12/11/1892 in Hamburgo Velho, RS. She died on 03/03/1932 in Novo Hamburgo, RS. She was buried in Cemitério Católico de Hamburgo Velho, RS.
They had the following children:
175 M i Alonso Becker Wolf was born on 19/01/1922 in Hamburgo Velho, RS. He died in 1978 in Vacaria, RS.
71. Nicolau Heineck (Frederico , Christian , Valentin ).
Nicolau married Laura Granier de Lima daughter of Amélio Alves de Lima and Cândida Maria Granier. Laura was born in 1884 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
+ 176 M i Lauro Heineck.
73. Joanetta Heineck (Frederico , Christian , Valentin ).
Joanetta married Jacob Weizenmann.
They had the following children:
+ 177 M i Jacob Otto Weizenmann was born on 28/10/1891.