137. Prudêncio Sänger (Joanetta Becker , Mariana Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born in 1894.
He had the following children:
Prudêncio married (2) Paulina Catharina Becker daughter of Josef Becker and Carolina Gröhs on 24/01/1914 in Hamburgo Velho, RS. Paulina was born on 10/04/1893. She died on 31/05/1928.
139. Frederico Becker Filho (Friedrich Becker , Mariana Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 02/06/1888 in Dois Irmãos, RS. He died on 28/07/1949. He was buried in Cemitério Católico de Hamburgo Velho.
Frederico married Leopoldina Friedrich daughter of Johannes Friedrich and Philippine Braun. Leopoldina was born on 15/05/1888. She died on 15/08/1980.
They had the following children:
341 M i Leopoldo Becker 1 was born /02/1915. He died on 14/01/1916 in Hamburgo Velho, RS. 342 M ii Albano Becker was born in 1918. He died on 08/04/1921 in Hamburgo Velho, RS.
140. Antônio Becker (Friedrich Becker , Mariana Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 22/10/1889. He died on 25/06/1961. He was buried in Cemitério Católico de Hamburgo Velho.
Antônio married Maria Henrich. Maria was born on 21/01/1890. She died on 27/02/1947.
They had the following children:
343 F i Hilda L. Becker was born on 12/10/1917. She died on 01/12/1981. Hilda married xxxxxx Winck.
141. José Becker Sobrinho (Friedrich Becker , Mariana Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 09/10/1894. He died on 25/02/1968. He was buried in Cemitério Católico de Hamburgo Velho.
José married Irma Catharina Friedrich daughter of Johannes Friedrich and Philippine Braun. Irma was born on 19/03/1895. She died on 29/11/1961.
They had the following children:
344 F i Irma Asila Becker was born 01/1920. She died on 27/11/1920 in Hamburgo Velho, RS.
142. Miguel Becker (Friedrich Becker , Mariana Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 17/04/1898. He died on 20/09/1976. He was buried in Cemitério Católico de Hamburgo Velho.
Miguel married Wilma xxxxxx. Wilma was born on 27/01/1897. She died on 26/08/1952.
They had the following children:
345 M i Lauro M. Becker was born on 12/08/1921. He died on 20/10/1975.
159. Leontina Breitenbach (Maria Magdalena Wolf , Magdalena Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 15/08/1887. She died on 03/04/1976.
Leontina married João Frederico Sperb Filho son of Johann Friedrich Sperb and Regina Diehl on 02/09/1911 in Hamburgo Velho, RS. João was born on 02/02/1882. He died on 06/07/1946 in Hamburgo Velho, RS.
They had the following children:
346 M i Hilmo Sperb was born on 06/05/1913. He died on 02/02/1969.
165. Pedro Cyrillo Wolf (Pedro Wolf , Magdalena Heineck , Christian , Valentin ).
Pedro married Maria Hortência Treis on 18/06/1927 in Novo Hamburgo, RS.
They had the following children:
+ 347 F i Carmen Magna Wolf was born on 25/03/1928.
176. Lauro Heineck (Nicolau , Frederico , Christian , Valentin ).
He had the following children:
+ 348 M i Osmar Heineck.
177. Jacob Otto Weizenmann (Joanetta Heineck , Frederico , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 28/10/1891 in Lajeado, RS.
Jacob married Toni Kramer daughter of Frederich Krämer and Jeanette Heineck on 28/09/1915. Toni was born on 17/03/1895 in Hamburgo Velho, RS.
They had the following children:
349 F i Gerna Ena Weizenmann is printed as #308. 350 F ii Olívia Renita Weizenmann is printed as #309. 351 M iii Oscar Hugo Weizenmann is printed as #310. 352 M iv Albino Edmundo Weizenmann is printed as #311. 353 M v João Arno Weizenmann is printed as #312. 354 M vi Alfredo Ivo Weizenmann is printed as #313. 355 F vii Eugênia Ilga Weizenmann is printed as #314. 356 M viii Reinoldo Almo Weizenmann is printed as #315. 357 F ix Ana Wilma Weizenmann is printed as #316. 358 F x Amalia Ely Weizenmann is printed as #317.
180. José Alfonso Heineck (João , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 11/04/1902. He died on 23/08/1972.
José married Irena Mattes. Irena was born on 11/02/1918. She died on 12/11/1998.
They had the following children:
359 M i José Ernani Heineck was born on 02/01/1941. He died on 07/05/1989. 360 F ii Cleonice Heineck. + 361 M iii Valdo Heineck.
183. Oscar Francisco Heineck (João , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 07/08/1908. He died on 07/01/1980. He was buried in Cemitério Católico de Lajeado, RS.
Oscar married Ana Lucila Sulzbach daughter of Pedro Leopoldo Sulzbach and Cecilia Catharina Ruschel. Ana was buried in Cemitério Católico de Lajeado, RS.
They had the following children:
+ 362 M i Pedro Olmar Heineck was born on 03/09/1933. 363 M ii João Érico Heineck. 364 M iii Flávio Luiz Heineck. 365 F iv Maria Ilone Heineck. 366 M v Nelson Luiz Heineck.
185. Natalício Heineck (Pedro Willibrando , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born 1 on 11/12/1901 in Bom fim, Lajeado, RS, Brasil. He died on 07/08/1966 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.
Natalício married Irena Catharina Ewald daughter of Ludwig Ewald Sobrinho and Maria Carolina Plein on 12/09/1931 in Lajeado, RS. Irena was born on 22/12/1906 in Marques de Souza, Lajeado, RS, Brasil. She died on 12/09/1993 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
367 F i Carmen Maria Heineck was born on 06/09/1932 in Lajeado, RS. Carmen married João Carlos Weiand on 15/08/1972 in Lajeado, RS. João was born on 15/10/1906. He died on 14/06/1982 in Lajeado, RS. + 368 M ii Paulo Ignácio Heineck was born on 26/07/1934. He died on 10/01/1998. + 369 M iii Nestor José Heineck was born on 21/07/1936. + 370 F iv Dóris Helena Heineck was born on 09/03/1940. + 371 F v Gerda Teresinha Heineck was born on 01/09/1943.