Descendants of Valentin Heineck

Sixth Generation


391. Basso Rockenbach (Henrique Affonso Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 04/12/1926 in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. He died on 26/05/1975.


Basso married Maria Antonieta Renz on 25/07/1955 in Giruá, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Maria was born on 02/04/1935.


Basso and Maria had the following children:

  693 M i Henrique Leonardo Rockenbach was born on 28/09/1956. [Notes]
  694 M ii Antonio Ricardo Rockenbach was born on 18/03/1958. [Notes]
        Antonio married Elaine Maria Santos. Elaine was born on 24/02/1963. [Notes]
+ 695 M iii Luiz Eduardo Rockenbach was born on 10/09/1959.
+ 696 M iv Basso Rockenbach Junior was born on 31/07/1974.

392. Ramon Huberto Rockenbach (Henrique Affonso Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 08/03/1929 in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.


Ramon married Venilda Noemi Koop on 20/09/1951 in Carazinho, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Venilda was born on 05/02/1933. She died on 13/11/2001 in Francisco Beltrão, Paraná, Brasil.


Ramon and Venilda had the following children:

  697 F i Maria Mafalda Rockenbach was born on 13/08/1952. [Notes]
        Maria married Luiz Carlos Praxedes on 08/12/1973. Luiz was born on 19/05/1945. [Notes]
+ 698 M ii Huberto Francisco Rockenbach was born on 05/06/1958.
+ 699 F iii Maria Rosângela Rockenbach was born on 12/08/1959.
+ 700 M iv Caubi Afonso Rockenbach Sobrinho was born on 19/06/1961. He died on 19/01/1997.
  701 F v Rosa Maria Rockenbach was born on 04/06/1963. [Notes]
        Rosa married João Carlos Rossi Donadel on 12/07/1991. João was born on 09/10/1963. [Notes]

393. Liane Maria Rockenbach (Avelino Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 14/09/1927 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.


Liane married Romeu Nogueira on 22/04/1954. Romeu was born on 11/06/1922.


Romeu and Liane had the following children:

  702 F i Telma Nogueira was born on 16/12/1959. [Notes]
        Telma married Geraldo Afonso Barbosa on 31/01/1987 in Campinas, SP, Brasil. Geraldo was born on 14/10/1954. He died in 10/1998. [Notes]
  703 F ii Maira Ou Mayra Nogueira was born on 13/04/1961. [Notes]
+ 704 M iii Marcelo Nogueira was born on 29/09/1962.
  705 F iv Elisabetha Nogueira was born on 24/03/1964. [Notes]

394. Marlene Ottilia Rockenbach (Avelino Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 16/01/1929 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.


Marlene married Geraldo Feyerherd on 23/04/1954 in Santo Angelo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Geraldo was born on 17/04/1927. He died on 16/05/1975 in Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.


Geraldo and Marlene had the following children:

+ 706 M i Claudio Feyerherd was born on 08/07/1957.
+ 707 F ii Karin Feyerherd was born on 05/05/1962.

395. Doris Lúcia Rockenbach (Avelino Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 22/04/1935.


Doris married Arno Tomm on 16/01/1965. Arno was born on 04/02/1937. He died on 11/10/1997.


Arno and Doris had the following children:

  708 M i Carlos Augusto Tomm was born on 11/10/1966. [Notes]
        Carlos married Fabiane Grenler on 26/09/1998 in Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Fabiane was born on 08/12/1971. [Notes]
  709 M ii Luiz Fernando Tomm was born on 22/03/1969. [Notes]
        Luiz married Valéria Gonçalves on 11/09/1997 in Blumenau, SC, Brasil. Valéria was born on 06/06/1974. [Notes]
+ 710 M iii André Renato Tomm was born on 24/10/1970.
+ 711 M iv Gustavo Henrique Tomm was born on 27/01/1973.

396. Lenira Maria Müller (Ottilia Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 03/06/1923 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.


Lenira married Mathias Lauro Klein. Mathias was born on 21/02/1922 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.


Mathias and Lenira had the following children:

+ 712 M i Carlos Heitor Müller Klein was born on 28/10/1955.
  713 F ii Matia Otilia Klein was born on 04/12/1957. [Notes]
  714 M iii Claudio André Klein was born on 02/01/1960. [Notes]
        Claudio married Rosane Ester Antoniazzi. [Notes]
+ 715 M iv Caio Augusto Klein was born on 03/09/1961.

397. Léleia Suzana Müller (Ottilia Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 31/08/1924 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.


Léleia married Bernardino Hiram Rios Pinto. Bernardino was born on 22/08/1917. He died on 21/05/1984.


Bernardino and Léleia had the following children:

+ 716 M i Marco Antonio Pinto was born on 05/08/1945.
+ 717 F ii Mara Suzana Pinto was born on 03/09/1949.

398. Loivo Carlos Müller (Ottilia Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 03/05/1926 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.


Loivo married Gelcy Therezinha Spohr on 03/05/1952. Gelcy was born on 03/06/1927.


Loivo and Gelcy had the following children:

+ 718 F i Suzana Müller was born on 20/01/1954.
+ 719 M ii Loivo Carlos Müller Filho was born on 28/11/1956.
+ 720 M iii Luís Roberto Müller was born on 21/10/1961.

399. Lauro Mathias Müller (Ottilia Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 20/08/1928 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. He died on 11/05/1998 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.


Lauro married Lya Torres Raya. Lya was born on 15/07/1927. She died on 31/07/2009 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.


Lauro and Lya had the following children:

+ 721 F i Viviane Müller was born on 25/09/1953. She died Falecida.
+ 722 M ii João Pedro Müller was born on 05/03/1960.

400. Enio Jose Rockenbach (Carlos Fridolino Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 17/01/1934 in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.


Enio married Norma Espartel Cunha on 26/08/1961 in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Norma was born on 22/04/1936. She died on 04/06/2009.


Enio and Norma had the following children:

+ 723 M i Mauro Luico da Cunha Rockenbach was born on 22/12/1962.
+ 724 M ii Enio Jose Rockenbach Junior was born on 29/05/1965.
  725 M iii Paulo Marcio da Cunha Rockenbach was born on 20/07/1967. He died on 20/03/2004 in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. [Notes]
  726 M iv Carlos Eduardo da Cunha Rockenbach was born on 21/12/1968. [Notes]

405. Myrtes Maria Rockenbach (Armando Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 20/10/1933 in Santo Angelo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.


Myrtes married Raimundo Arno Moraes. Raimundo was born on 19/01/1924. He died in 04/1972.


Raimundo and Myrtes had the following children:

+ 727 M i Luiz Cezar Moraes was born on 13/05/1952.
+ 728 M ii Carlos Roberto Moraes was born on 30/10/1953.

406. Amyr Jose Rockenbach (Armando Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 27/03/1935 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.


Amyr married Lais Tirelli. Lais was born on 16/07/1941.


Amyr and Lais had the following children:

  729 M i Jarves Rockenbach was born on 25/12/1962. [Notes]
  730 M ii Cassio Rockenbach was born on 17/03/1965. [Notes]
  731 M iii Daniel Rockenbach was born on 19/07/1966. [Notes]
        Daniel married Márcia Ribeiro Leal on 19/09/1997 in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. [Notes]
  732 F iv Vivian Rockenbach was born on 08/09/1971. [Notes]

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