712. Carlos Heitor Müller Klein (Lenira Maria Müller , Ottilia Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 28/10/1955.
Carlos married Marilia Coimbra.
Carlos and Marilia had the following children:
918 M i Vinicius Coimbra Klein was born on 18/10/1982. [Notes] 919 F ii Cecilia Coimbra Klein.[Notes]
715. Caio Augusto Klein (Lenira Maria Müller , Ottilia Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 03/09/1961.
Caio married Simone Sciortino Ramos. Simone was born on 31/10/1968.
Caio and Simone had the following children:
920 F i Natascha Ramos Klein.[Notes]
716. Marco Antonio Pinto (Léleia Suzana Müller , Ottilia Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 05/08/1945.
Marco married Luiza Augusta Theisen. Luiza was born on 06/08/1949.
Marco and Luiza had the following children:
+ 921 F i Samantha Thiesen Pinto was born on 01/12/1972. + 922 M ii Marcelo Thiesen Pinto was born on 25/10/1974. 923 M iii Samuel Thiesen Pinto was born on 25/10/1977. [Notes] 924 M iv Juliano Thiesen Pinto was born on 16/07/1979. [Notes]
717. Mara Suzana Pinto (Léleia Suzana Müller , Ottilia Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 03/09/1949.
Mara married Egidio Henrique Reali. Egidio was born on 11/06/1947.
Egidio and Mara had the following children:
925 M i Candice Pinto Reali was born on 20/03/1976. [Notes] 926 M ii Henrique Pinto Reali was born on 16/10/1978. [Notes] 927 F iii Paula Pinto Reali was born on 20/10/1980. [Notes]
718. Suzana Müller (Loivo Carlos Müller , Ottilia Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 20/01/1954.
Suzana married Ricardo Braescher.
Ricardo and Suzana had the following children:
928 F i Joana Müller Braescher was born on 22/04/1979. [Notes] 929 F ii Carolina Müller Braescher was born on 11/11/1981. [Notes]
719. Loivo Carlos Müller Filho (Loivo Carlos Müller , Ottilia Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 28/11/1956.
Loivo married Ana Cristina Zart. Ana was born on 23/03/1959.
Loivo and Ana had the following children:
930 F i Maria Zart Müller was born on 23/02/1985. [Notes] 931 F ii Patricia Zart Müller was born on 19/09/1987. [Notes]
720. Luís Roberto Müller (Loivo Carlos Müller , Ottilia Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 21/10/1961.
Luís married Cynthia Azambuja Bastos Guimarães. Cynthia was born on 02/04/1963.
Luís and Cynthia had the following children:
932 M i Thomaz Guimarães Müller was born on 27/11/1995. [Notes] 933 F ii Roberta Guimarães Müller was born on 21/12/1997. [Notes]
721. Viviane Müller (Lauro Mathias Müller , Ottilia Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 25/09/1953 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. She died Falecida.
Viviane married Wilson Feldens. Wilson was born on 20/01/1953 in Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
Wilson and Viviane had the following children:
934 F i Greici Feldens was born on 14/08/1977. [Notes] 935 F ii Laura Feldens was born on 15/04/1980. [Notes] 936 M iii Marcel Feldens was born on 05/10/1983. [Notes]
722. João Pedro Müller (Lauro Mathias Müller , Ottilia Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 05/03/1960 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.
João married Virginia Haenssgen. Virginia was born on 17/03/1960.
João and Virginia had the following children:
937 M i Gabriel Müller was born on 20/10/1979. [Notes] 938 M ii Pedro Müller was born on 06/06/1981. [Notes]
723. Mauro Luico da Cunha Rockenbach (Enio Jose Rockenbach , Carlos Fridolino Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 22/12/1962.
Mauro married Enara Rosana Fagundes Cavalheiro.
Mauro and Enara had the following children:
939 F i Bruna Fagundes Rockenbach was born on 12/01/1991. [Notes] 940 F ii Gabriela Fagundes Rockenbach was born on 11/01/1996. [Notes]
724. Enio Jose Rockenbach Junior (Enio Jose Rockenbach , Carlos Fridolino Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 29/05/1965.
Enio married Marcia Peixoto do Amaral. Marcia was born on 19/03/1964.
Enio and Marcia had the following children:
941 F i Luiza Amaral Rockenbach was born on 13/06/1997. [Notes]
727. Luiz Cezar Moraes (Myrtes Maria Rockenbach , Armando Rockenbach , Leopoldina Heineck , Pedro , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 13/05/1952.
Luiz married Elisabeth Dihl. Elisabeth was born on 06/02/1951.
Luiz and Elisabeth had the following children:
942 M i André Moraes was born on 05/08/1975. [Notes] 943 M ii Rodrigo Moraes was born on 04/09/1982. [Notes]