297. Osvaldo Edgar Barth (Verônica Joana Kramer , Jeanette Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 23/08/1914.
Osvaldo married Irene Schwantes daughter of Gustavo Schwantes and Henriqueta Kaiser on 23/01/1937. Irene was born on 19/05/1918 in Caracol, Canela, RS.
They had the following children:
589 F i Marli Irene Barth. Marli married Paulo Schneider. 590 F ii Liane Barth. Liane married José Manuel Peneda.
298. Aristides Ivo Barth (Verônica Joana Kramer , Jeanette Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 01/03/1920.
Aristides married Hildegard Ana Putz on 23/01/1937. Hildegard was born on 11/08/1923.
They had the following children:
299. Ivo Portz (Hermina Kramer , Jeanette Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 07/01/1923 in Estrela, RS. He died on 31/07/1985 in Estrela, RS. The cause of death was Suicídio.
Ivo married Olga Maria Horn daughter of Silvestre Leopoldo Horn and Carolina Eidelwein on 18/02/1944 in Estrela, RS. Olga was born on 11/03/1926 in Estrela, RS.
They had the following children:
300. Wally Cordélia Kramer (Waldemar Kramer , Jeanette Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 18/08/1910.
Wally married Gaspar Henrique Stemmer son of Frederico Guilherme Stemmer and Maria Espey on 19/07/1927 in Hamburgo Velho, Novo Hamburgo, RS. Gaspar was born on 08/11/1894 in Langendreer, Bochum, Renânia do Norte, Vestfália, Alemanha. He died on 20/12/1946 in Hamburgo Velho, Novo Hamburgo, RS, Brasil. Gaspar was employed as Comerciante.
They had the following children:
605 F i Hildegard Juliana Stemmer.[Notes] + 606 M ii Gaspar Érico Stemmer. 607 M iii Fritz Adolfo Stemmer. Fritz married Marlene Gertrudes Reichert.
301. Erny Waldemar Kramer (Waldemar Kramer , Jeanette Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 05/01/1913. He died on 11/06/1976 in Hamburgo Velho, Novo Hamburgo, RS. He was buried in Cemitério Evangélico de Hamburgo Velho.
Erny married Linda Blauth daughter of Norberto Jacó Blauth and Rosalina Prass on 16/07/1932 in Hamburgo Velho, Novo Hamburgo, RS. Linda was born on 20/05/1910 in Hamburgo Velho, Novo Hamburgo, RS.
They had the following children:
302. Erna Mira Schäffer (Elsa Kramer , Jeanette Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 04/09/1915.
Erna married Hugo Becker son of Frederico Guilherme Becker. Hugo was born on 10/07/1900. He died on 05/07/1982. He was buried in Cemitério Evangélico de Hamburgo Velho.
They had the following children:
613 F i Ida Lígia Becker. Ida married Eduardo Ernesto Zietlow.
305. Zênia Loire Kramer (Frederico Ricardo Kramer , Jeanette Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 29/11/1920.
Zênia married Mário Schirmer son of Reinaldo Schirmer and Alzira Difenthaeler. Mário was born on 09/08/1920.
They had the following children:
614 M i Carlos Alberto Schirmer.
306. Lahyre Eugênia Kramer (Frederico Ricardo Kramer , Jeanette Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 06/06/1924.
Lahyre married Almiro Seibert son of Guilherme Seibert and Julieta Sperb. Almiro was born on 11/12/1918 in Novo Hamburgo, RS.
They had the following children:
615 M i Jorge Frederico Seibert. Jorge married Mara Steglich. 616 F ii Ana Maria Seibert. Ana married Miguel Angel Batista.
307. Gilson Ricardo Kramer (Frederico Ricardo Kramer , Jeanette Heineck , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 04/08/1934. Gilson was employed as Aeronauta.
Gilson married Nedyr Fuck. Nedyr was born on 24/11/1935. She died 10/1991 in Hamburgo Velho, Novo Hamburgo, RS.
They had the following children:
617 F i Maria Elisabete Kramer. Maria married Antônio Wanis. 618 F ii Maria Cristina Kramer. Maria married Ovídio Rolim de Moura. 619 M iii André Luís Kramer.[Notes] 620 M iv Luís Fernando Kramer. Luís married Anaci Berlin.