450. Maria Lúcia Heineck (Rubem Walter , Antonio Otto , Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 07/02/1951 in Santo Ângelo, RS, Brasil.
Maria married Antônio Carlos Borges.
They had the following children:
786 F i Luciane Borges was born on 26/05/1974. 787 F ii Fernanda Borges was born on 05/10/1977.
451. José Luiz Bicca Heineck (Vitor Hugo , Antonio Otto , Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 22/04/1954 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
788 M i Eduardo Heineck was born on 27/08/1977. 789 M ii Rodrigo Heineck was born on 08/03/1979.
458. Aymara Pereira Heineck (Elmar Rudolfo , Antonio Otto , Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 29/04/1950 in Blumenau, SC, Brasil. Aymara was employed as Bioquímica.
Aymara married Marco A. Sanford de Vasconcellos.
Marco and Aymara had the following children:
790 i Tarin Luize de Vasconcellos was born on 10/07/1975. 791 F ii Larissa de Vasconcellos was born on 24/05/1977.
459. Ieda Maria Pereira Heineck (Elmar Rudolfo , Antonio Otto , Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 29/03/1955 in Blumenau, SC, Brasil. Ieda was employed as Bioquímica.
Ieda married Eduardo Coelho Andriani.
They had the following children:
792 M i Rafael Andriani was born on 24/05/1980.
460. Letícia Rodrigues (Therezinha Heineck , Antonio Otto , Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 30/04/1951 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. Letícia was employed as Economista.
They had the following children:
793 F i Larissa Lacks was born on 20/10/1977.
464. Virgínia Eike (Helga Heineck , Antonio Otto , Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 20/01/1950 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. Virgínia was employed as Professora.
Virgínia married Carlos Rafael Aguinski.
They had the following children:
794 F i Vanessa Aguinski was born on 06/06/1976 in Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. 795 F ii Viviane Aguinski was born on 07/07/1978.
467. Flavio Adalberto Heineck (Adalberto Ignácio , Antonio Otto , Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 11/12/1951 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. Flavio was employed as Administrador de Empresas.
Flavio married Maria de Fátima Palmeiro.
They had the following children:
796 F i Fernanda Heineck was born on 08/04/1979 in Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.
468. Maria Elisabeth Heineck (Adalberto Ignácio , Antonio Otto , Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 29/01/1954 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. Maria was employed as Psicóloga.
Maria married Luiz Cavalieri de Souza.
They had the following children:
797 M i Luiz de Souza was born on 16/11/1980 in Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.
471. Viviane Heineck (Werner Otto , Antonio Otto , Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 29/10/1960 in Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. Viviane was employed as Analista de Sistemas.
Viviane married Francisco Carlos Marques Brasil. Francisco was born on 16/10/1953.
They had the following children:
798 M i Stefano Brasil was born on 20/02/1981.
562. Mariana Kiefer (Erica Erna Ludwig , Frieda Kramer , Jeanette Heineck , Christian , Valentin ).
Mariana married Alcino Ferreira de Mello.
They had the following children:
588. Clóvis Augusto Lockmann (Ilsa Irma Barth , Verônica Joana Kramer , Jeanette Heineck , Christian , Valentin ).
Clóvis married (1) Ruth Lautert.
They had the following children:
800 F i Simoni Lockmann was born on 26/05/1969. + 801 F ii Tajiana Lockmann was born on 30/01/1974. 802 M iii Josias Lockmann. Josias married Ana Cristina Bervian.
Clóvis married (2) Mara Schons.
606. Gaspar Érico Stemmer (Wally Cordélia Kramer , Waldemar Kramer , Jeanette Heineck , Christian , Valentin ).
Gaspar married Helena Amélia Oehler.
They had the following children:
803 M i Gaspar Henrique Stemmer. Gaspar was employed as Genealogista. [Notes]