Descendants of Valentin Heineck

Sixth Generation


426. Roger Eduardo Riffel (Maria Carmen Heineck , Felippe Leopoldo , Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 24/09/1957.

Roger married xxxxxx xxxxxx.

They had the following children:

  764 F i Stevani Riffel was born on 09/09/0004.

428. Fávia Peña Heineck (José Telmo , Felippe Leopoldo , Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 09/09/0004.

Fávia married Guilherme Pila Caminha.

They had the following children:

  765 F i Manoela Heineck Caminha was born on 10/11/2001.

429. Maria Inês Heineck Xavier (Therezinha Lia Heineck , Felippe Leopoldo , Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 08/06/1952 in Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.

Maria married Pedro Dornelles Picon on 11/03/1976 in Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. Pedro was employed as Médico.

They had the following children:

+ 766 F i Tânia Xavier Picon was born on 26/11/1977.
  767 F ii Paula Xavier Picon was born on 22/10/1980 in Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.
        Paula married Ricardo Pedrini Cruz. Ricardo was born on 06/11/2010.

430. Rubens Luiz Xavier Junior (Therezinha Lia Heineck , Felippe Leopoldo , Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 14/05/1954 in São Paulo, SP, Brasil.

Rubens married Ligia Maria Castro Menezes.

They had the following children:

+ 768 F i Anita Castro Menezes Xavier was born on 22/02/1979.
  769 F ii Luiza Castro Menezes Xavier was born on 29/03/1982.
  770 F iii Alice Castro Menezes Xavier was born on 27/05/1987.

431. Felipe Leopoldo Heineck Neto (Walmir Gaston , Felippe Leopoldo , Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 25/12/1970.

Felipe married Carmem Lemos.

They had the following children:

  771 F i Catarina Heineck was born on 19/06/2010 in Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.

432. Alexandra Heineck (Walmir Gaston , Felippe Leopoldo , Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 11/10/1972.

Alexandra married Timothi Patrick Bowker. Timothi was born on 11/09/1976.

They had the following children:

  772 M i Tiago Leo Bowker was born on 15/10/2003.

437. Rosane Inês Petersen (Niva Heineck , Felippe Leopoldo , Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 25/07/1957 in Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.

Rosane married Luiz Beltrão.

They had the following children:

  773 M i Daniel Petersen Beltrão was born on 04/12/1982.
  774 M ii Anderson Petersen Beltrão was born on 27/10/1986.

438. Ricardo Petersen (Niva Heineck , Felippe Leopoldo , Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 16/09/1958.

Ricardo married Maria das Dores Ely.

They had the following children:

  775 M i Eduardo Pedro Ely Petersen was born on 25/11/1992.

443. Fernando Heineck (Belmiro Armando , Alfredo , Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 09/08/1944.

Fernando married Lurdes Talú. Lurdes was born on 02/02/1952.

They had the following children:

  776 M i Gilberto Heineck was born on 24/12/1972.
  777 M ii Rubens Heineck was born on 04/05/1975.
  778 M iii Juliano Heineck was born on 19/11/1978.
  779 F iv Fernanda Heineck was born on 09/06/1983.

444. Renato Heineck (Belmiro Armando , Alfredo , Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 07/02/1951.

Renato married Margarete Wemet. Margarete was born on 24/01/1959.

They had the following children:

  780 F i Giseli Heineck was born on 02/03/1985.
  781 M ii Felipe Heineck was born on 11/02/1987.

448. Ana Maria Heineck (Rubem Walter , Antonio Otto , Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 09/10/1941 in Ijuí, RS, Brasil.

Ana married Antonio Carlos Martins.

They had the following children:

  782 F i Eloana Maria Martins was born on 06/10/1962.

449. Heloisa Maria Heineck (Rubem Walter , Antonio Otto , Jacob , Christian , Valentin ) was born on 24/08/1946 in Ijuí, RS, Brasil.

Heloisa married Silvio Torres Reis.

They had the following children:

  783 F i Cláudia Reis was born on 29/07/1966.
  784 M ii Sergio Reis was born on 25/01/1971.
  785 M iii Marcelo Reis was born on 22/11/1972.

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