Descendentes de Gerolamo Scapini

Seventh Generation


337. Tiago Tochetto (Valdir Tochetto , Carmelinda Scapini , João , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ) was born on 26/08/1988.

Tiago married Magali XXXXXX. Magali was born on 07/12/1990.

They had the following children:

  441 M i Gustavo Tochetto was born on 18/08/2019.

340. Mateus Tochetto (Valmir Antônio Tochetto , Carmelinda Scapini , João , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ) was born on 31/10/1997.

Mateus married Tainara do Nascimento Moraes. Tainara was born on 29/11/1999.

They had the following children:

  442 M i Davi Lucca de Moraes Tochetto was born on 28/10/2017.

351. Douglas Vonz (Marli Scapini , Silvério Artus , João , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ).

Douglas married Pâmella Peroto.

They had the following children:

  443 M i Miguel Peroto Vonz.

352. Marieli Odália Vonz (Marli Scapini , Silvério Artus , João , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ).

Marieli married Alberto Luiz Gagstetter.

They had the following children:

  444 M i Otávio Luiz Gagstetter.

356. Mateus Cosme Scapini da Silva (Cerli Fátima Scapini , Silvério Artus , João , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ).

Mateus married Luciana Estraich.

They had the following children:

  445 F i Elen Vitória Scapini da Silva.
  446 M ii Lucas Cosme Scapini da Silva.

357. Sidenéia Scapini (Abílio , Egídio Artus , João , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ) was born on 03/11/1986.

Sidenéia married Jairo Pedro Costa de Vargas. Jairo was born on 15/03/1982.

They had the following children:

  447 M i Bruno Vargas was born on 17/06/1999.
  448 M ii Eduardo Vargas was born on 24/12/2002.
  449 M iii Leonardo Vargas was born on 05/10/2006.
  450 M iv Bernardo Vargas was born on 16/06/2014.

358. Edinéia Scapini (Abílio , Egídio Artus , João , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ).

Edinéia married Adriano de Oliveira.

They had the following children:

  451 F i Maria de Oliveira was born on 02/08/2010.
  452 F ii Maísa de Oliveira was born on 29/07/2011.
  453 M iii Henrique de Oliveira was born on 08/03/2015.

360. Karina Eliane Hartmann (Neli Scapini , Egídio Artus , João , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ) was born on 22/08/1979.

Karina married Dirceu de Macedo. Dirceu was born on 18/10/1982.

They had the following children:

  454 M i João Vitor de Macedo was born on 25/01/2007.
  455 M ii Gustavo de Macedo was born on 03/07/2010.
  456 M iii Miguel de Macedo was born on 18/06/2020.

361. Marcelo Marcos Hartmann (Neli Scapini , Egídio Artus , João , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ) was born on 13/03/1982.

Marcelo married Niva Reis. Niva was born on 02/01/1982.

They had the following children:

  457 M i Lucas Hartmann was born on 15/07/2003.
  458 M ii Tiago Reis Hartmann was born on 15/05/2009.

362. Liliane Karine Hartmann (Neli Scapini , Egídio Artus , João , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ) was born on 03/10/1985.

Liliane married (1) Elvis Alexandre Faiel de Oliveira. Elvis was born on 31/08/1995.

Liliane married (2) Fábio Junior Dorneles. The marriage ended in divorce.Fábio was born on 16/10/1982.

They had the following children:

  459 F i Júlia Dorneles Hartmann was born on 31/12/2007.

364. Aline Marciana Hartmann (Neli Scapini , Egídio Artus , João , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ) was born on 01/10/1990.

Aline married Cristofo Brito Machado. Cristofo was born on 25/05/1987.

They had the following children:

  460 M i Davi Brito Machado Hartmann was born on 24/07/2016.

365. Marciela Scapini (Marli Scapini , Egídio Artus , João , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ).

Marciela married Ronaldo Zanadrea.

They had the following children:

  461 M i Gabielangelo Scapini Zanadrea.
  462 M ii Samuel Scapini Zanadrea.

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