Descendentes de Gerolamo Scapini

First Generation

1. Gerolamo Scapini was born in 1814 in Gussola, CR, Itália. He died 1 on 06/05/1884 in Motta Baluffi, CR, Itália.

Gerolamo married Serena Petri daughter of Giuseppe Petri and Rosa XXXXXX. Serena was born in 1817 in Gussola, CR, Itália. She died on 20/08/1871 in Corpi Santi, CR, Itália.

They had the following children:

+ 2 M i Antonio Cesare Scapini was born on 22/09/1839. He died in 1907.
+ 3 M ii Cesare Mario Scapini was born on 09/04/1845. He died on 17/05/1914.
+ 4 M iii Francesco Scapini was born in 1855. He was buried on 14/02/1931.
+ 5 M iv Giuseppe Luigi Scapini was born in 1859.

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