39. Antônio José Scapini [image] (Giovanni , Antonio Cesare , Gerolamo ) was born on 15/06/1902 in São Lourenço de Villas Boas, Garibaldi, RS, Brasil. He was buried in Linha Teutônia, Tapera, RS, Brasil.
Antônio married Ursolina Borghetti [image] in 1922 in Floriano Peixoto, Garibaldi, RS, Brasil. Ursolina was buried in Linha Teutônia, Tapera, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
+ 95 M i Xisto Scapini. + 96 M ii Danilo Scapini.
40. Clélia Gisella Caroline Scapini [image] (Giovanni , Antonio Cesare , Gerolamo ) was born on 20/10/1902 in São Lourenço de Villas Boas, Garibaldi, RS, Brasil. She died on 13/06/1987 in Linha São Pedro, Coronel Pilar, RS, Brasil. She was buried in Linha São Pedro, Coronel Pilar, RS, Brasil.
Clélia married Segundo José Lettrari [image] son of Batista Lettrari and Silvia Fava in 1924 in Floriano Peixoto, Garibaldi, RS, Brasil. Segundo was born on 17/08/1901 in São Lourenço de Villas Boas, Garibaldi, RS, Brasil. He died on 02/10/1977 in Linha São Pedro, Coronel Pilar, RS, Brasil. He was buried in Linha São Pedro, Coronel Pilar, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
+ 97 M i Cerzo Lettrari.
47. Pepino Antonio Scapini [image] (Francesco "Bazilio" , Antonio Cesare , Gerolamo ) was born on 16/06/1904 in São Lourenço de Villas Boas, Gartibaldi, RS, Brasil.
Pepino married Albina Rosa Ferla [image] daughter of Angelo Ferla and Maria Brignoni on 15/09/1928 in Floriano Peixoto, Garibaldi, RS, Brasil. Albina was born on 04/03/1905 in São Lourenço de Villas Boas, Gartibaldi, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
+ 98 M i Nelso Scapini. 99 F ii Elda Scapini [image]. Elda married XXXXXX Grillo. 100 M iii Percildo Scapini was born in Garibaldi, RS, Brasil. He died in Carlos Barbosa, RS, Brasil. 101 M iv Selvino Scapini [image]. 102 F v Inês Scapini [image]. 103 M vi Alcides Scapini [image]. 104 M vii Celito Scapini [image]. 105 M viii Percildo Scapini [image]. 106 F ix Ivanir Scapini [image]. 107 M x Antônio Scapini.
55. Faustino Antonio Scapini [image] (Cesare Mario , Antonio Cesare , Gerolamo ) was born 1 on 05/08/1899 in Linha Figueira de Melo, São Lourenço de Vilas Boas, Garibaldi, RS, Brasil.
Faustino married Maria Segabinassi [image].
They had the following children:
+ 108 M i Hildo Scapini was born in 1929. He died in 2018. 109 F ii Anna Maria Scapini [image] was born 1 on 07/09/1927 in Figueira de Melo, Lote 72, Garibaldi, RS, Brasil. + 110 M iii Ernesto Scapini. 111 M iv Onísio Scapini. 112 F v Ester Scapini. 113 M vi Egiídio Scapini. 114 F vii Edili Scapini. 115 F viii Ida Scapini. Ida married XXXXXX Laste.
62. Júlio José Scapini (Cesare Mario , Antonio Cesare , Gerolamo ) was born on 24/03/1911 in Floriano Peixoto, Garibaldi, RS, Brasil.
Júlio married Ercília Maria Galvagni daughter of Antenor Galvagni and Anna Rosa Telch on 19/07/1938 in Floriano Peixoto, Garibaldi, RS, Brasil. Ercília was born on 27/03/1912 in Floriano Peixoto, Garibaldi, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
116 F i Elide Scapini was born on 23/03/1954. [Notes]
64. Alberto Scapini (Luigi , Antonio Cesare , Gerolamo ) was born on 25/05/1900 in São Lourenço de Villas Boas, Gartibaldi, RS, Brasil. He died in 1965 in Ibirubá, RS, Brasil.
Alberto married Maria Pezzini daughter of Fulco Pezzini and Angela Galvagni on 25/10/1919 in Floriano Peixoto, Garibaldi, RS, Brasil. Maria was born on 13/05/1899 in São Lourenço de Villas Boas, Gartibaldi, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
66. Celeste Florindo Scapini (Luigi , Antonio Cesare , Gerolamo ) was born on 02/05/1904 in São Lourenço de Villas Boas, Gartibaldi, RS, Brasil.
Celeste married Orphelia Brignoni on 01/08/1925 in Floriano Peixoto, Garibaldi, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
+ 125 M i Ulysses Scapini was born in 1931.
74. Pedro Scapini [image] (Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ).
Pedro married Marina Borghetti [image] daughter of Valentim Borghetti and Verginia Fedrizzi.
They had the following children:
+ 126 F i Iracema Scapini was born on 13/02/1926. She died on 25/04/2005. + 127 M ii Setembrino Scapini was born on 27/11/1927. He died on 01/01/2003. 128 F iii Mariota Scapini. 129 F iv Antonieta Scapini was born in 1932. [Notes] + 130 M v Olívio Scapini. 131 M vi Arlindo Scapini. 132 M vii Valdemar Scapini [image] "Pinho" was born in 1941. [Notes] + 133 F viii Dorilde Scapini.
75. Luiz Scapini (Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ).
Luiz married Serafina Sautier.
They had the following children:
134 M i Avelino Scapini. + 135 M ii Silvério Scapini. 136 F iii Cecília Scapini. 137 F iv Ana Scapini. Ana married Clemente Conte. 138 F v Otília Scapini. 139 F vi Irene Scapini. 140 F vii Olinda Scapini. 141 M viii Otávio Scapini. 142 M ix Tranquilo Scapini.
76. Eugênio Scapini (Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ).
He had the following children:
143 i XXXXXX Scapini. + 144 M ii Miguel Archanjo Scapini.
78. Mansueto Scapini [image] (Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ) was born on 09/04/1908. He died on 17/02/1972.
Mansueto married Maria Zandonoti.
They had the following children:
79. João Scapini [image] (Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ) was born on 10/08/1908 in Encantado, RS, Brasil. He was christened 1 on 19/10/1908 in Encantado, RS, Brasil. He died 2 on 05/01/1990 in Lara, Esperança do Sul, RS, Brasil. The cause of death was Natural. He was buried in Cemitério de São Roque, Esperança do Sul, RS, Brasil.
João married 1 (1) Carmelinda Fortunata Borghetti [image] daughter of Valentim Borghetti and Verginia Fedrizzi on 18/06/1927 in Nova Bréscia, RS. Carmelinda was born on 15/03/1911 in Barra do Jacaré, Encantado, RS, Brasil. She was christened 2 on 21/02/1911 in Encantado, RS, Brasil. She died 3 on 29/08/1932 in Picada Roncador, Vila Fão, Marques de Sousa, RS, Brasil. She was buried in Cemitério de Fão.
They had the following children:
154 F i Inês Scapini was born on 31/12/1928. + 155 F ii Zélia Scapini was born on 15/07/1930. She died on 10/06/2016. + 156 F iii Carmelinda Scapini was born on 15/07/1932.
João married 1 (2) Regina Artus [image] daughter of João Artus and Claudina Emilia XXXXXX on 04/08/1945 in Linha 12 de Outubro, Vila Fão. Regina was born on 20/03/1910 in Montenegro, RS, Brasil. She died 2 on 02/11/1996.
They had the following children:
157 M iv Ricieri Artus Scapini was born in Vila Fão, Lajeado, RS, Brasil. He was buried in Vila Fão, Lajeado, RS, Brasil. [Notes] + 158 M v Silvério Artus Scapini was born on 21/06/1934. He died on 30/04/1998. + 159 M vi Egídio Artus Scapini died on 14/03/1999. + 160 F vii Romilda Artus Scapini. 161 F viii Zenilde Artus Scapini was born on 05/04/1949 in Linha São Roque, Esperança do Sul, RS, Brasil. She died on 14/05/1949 in Linha São Roque, Esperança do Sul, RS, Brasil.