Descendentes de Gerolamo Scapini

Sixth Generation

200. Solange Scapini (Ulysses , Celeste Florindo , Luigi , Antonio Cesare , Gerolamo ) was born in 1958.

Solange married XXXXXX XXXXXX.

They had the following children:

  292 F i Simoni XXXXXX.

202. Orlando Scapini [image] (Setembrino , Pedro , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ) was born on 03/06/1953.

Orlando married Gelssi N. Mezzomo [image]. Gelssi was born on 25/12/1954.

They had the following children:

  293 M i Wallace Scapini was born on 24/09/1976.
        Wallace married Danúbia Ghellere. Danúbia was born on 04/12/1978.
+ 294 M ii Vinícius Scapini was born on 25/03/1981.
+ 295 F iii Morgana Scapini was born on 05/05/1983.

203. Delmar Scapini (Setembrino , Pedro , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ) was born on 08/04/1951.

Delmar married Marlia Noeli Brauwers. Marlia was born on 30/10/1953.

They had the following children:

  296 F i Patrícia Michelli Scapini was born on 12/12/1976.
  297 M ii Thiago Augusto Scapini was born on 21/07/1981.

204. Ildo Scapini (Olívio , Pedro , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ).

Ildo married Eva Costa.

They had the following children:

  298 M i Alexsandro Costa Scapini was born on 04/05/1990 in Aragarças, GO, Brasil.
  299 M ii João Paulo Costa Scapini.
  300 F iii Mariângela Costa Scapini.
        Mariângela married XXXXXX Bilau.

205. Aurélio Scapini (Olívio , Pedro , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ).

Aurélio married Rosângela Fachini. The marriage ended in divorce.

They had the following children:

  301 F i Kelly Fachini Scapini.
  302 F ii Ana Paula Fachini Scapini.

207. Olivede Scapini (Olívio , Pedro , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ).

Olivede married Alcino Rech.

They had the following children:

  303 M i Maycon Luciano Rech.
  304 M ii Marcelo Augusto Rech.

211. Edson Henrichsen [image] (Dorilde Scapini , Pedro , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ).

He had the following children:

  305 M i Mateus Eric Henrichsen [image] was born on 13/05/2000 in Sarandi, RS, Brasil.

214. Maria Isabel Scapini (Silvério , Luiz , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ).

Maria married Roberto Alles.

They had the following children:

  306 M i Felipe Alles.
  307 M ii Gustavo Alles.
  308 M iii Augusto Alles.

216. Simoni Scapini (Silvério , Luiz , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ).

Simoni married Rafael XXXXXX.

They had the following children:

  309 M i Daniel XXXXXX.

217. Adão Scapini (Silvério , Luiz , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ).

Adão married Genilda Pinto.

They had the following children:

+ 310 F i Micheli Scapini.
+ 311 F ii Viviane Scapini.

218. Vera Lúcia Scapini (Silvério , Luiz , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ).

Vera married Jorge Pires de Andrade.

They had the following children:

+ 312 F i Shirla Scapini de Andrade.
  313 M ii Rafael Scapini de Andrade.
+ 314 F iii Patrícia de Andrade.
  315 M iv Marcelo de Andrade.

219. Gilberto Scapini (Silvério , Luiz , Paulo , Cesare Mario , Gerolamo ).

Gilberto married Alessandra Ferla.

They had the following children:

  316 M i Lorenzo Scapini.
  317 M ii Luigi Scapini.

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