Descendants of Josué Manfroi

Fourth Generation

48. Ana Manfroi (Victório , Battista , Josué ).

Ana married Avelino Ló son of Ricieri Ló.


Avelino and Ana had the following children:

  88 M i Júlio César Manfroi Ló.
  89 F ii Taís Manfroi Ló.
  90 F iii Roberta Manfroi Ló.

49. Rosália Manfroi (Victório , Battista , Josué ) was born in 1941. She died on 30/12/2012 in Tramandaí, RS.


Rosália married Antônio Azevedo.

They had the following children:

  91 M i Álvaro Azevedo.
  92 F ii Carla Azevedo.
  93 F iii Sisa Azevedo.

54. Adelino Manfroi (Victório , Battista , Josué ).

He had the following children:

  94 M i Paulo Manfroi.
        Paulo married Lurdes XXXXXX. Lurdes died on 07/07/2014. She was buried on 07/08/2014 in Comunidade Nossa Senhora das Graças, Farroupilha, RS.

71. Maria Scapini (Albina Scapini , Juditha Manfroi , Josué ).

Maria married Cesário Daroit.

They had the following children:

  95 M i Cézar Paulo Daroit.
  96 M ii Régis Daroit.
  97 F iii xxxxxx Daroit.
  98 M iv xxxxxxx Daroit.

73. Zélia Scapini [image] (João Scapini , Juditha Manfroi , Josué ) was born 1 on 15/07/1930 in Picada Roncador, Vila Fão, Lajeado, RS, Brasil. She died on 10/06/2016 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil . The cause of death was Enfarto. She was buried on 11/06/2016 in Cemitério Municipal de Lajeado. Zélia was employed as Do lar.


Zélia married 1 Victo Cantú [image] son of Vergílio Domingos Cantú and Melânia (Meania) Defendi on 25/01/1958 in Nova Bréscia, RS, Brasil. Victo was born 2 on 12/12/1936 in Pedras Brancas, Nova Bréscia, RS, Brasil.


They had the following children:

+ 99 M i Alceu José Cantú was born on 21/10/1958.
+ 100 M ii Alcei João Cantú was born on 15/11/1960.
+ 101 M iii Alcir Paulo Cantú was born on 02/10/1962.
  102 M iv Vítor Vergílio Cantú "Nico" was born in Lajeado - RS. He died in 1984 in Soledade - RS. The cause of death was Acidente de trânsito. He was buried in Lajeado - RS.
+ 103 M v Martinho André Cantú was born on 06/02/1969.

82. Waldomiro Carlos Manfroi [image] (Guido , Carlo , Josué ) was born on 06/01/1937 in Nova Bréscia, RS, Brasil. Waldomiro was employed as Professor, Médico.


Waldomiro married Lilia Maria Sentinger. Lilia was employed as Artista Plástica e Escritora.

They had the following children:

  104 F i Luciana Manfroi.
+ 105 M ii Carlo Manfroi.
+ 106 F iii Angélica Manfroi.

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