2. Racchele Manfroi (Josué ) was born on 08/08/1866 in Cencenighe Agostino, Belluno, Vêneto, Itália. She died on 30/05/1906 in São Roque, Garibaldi, RS. The cause of death was Parto.
Racchele married João Loss on 07/07/1888.
They had the following children:
12 i xxxxxx Loss. 13 ii xxxxxx Loss. 14 iii xxxxxx Loss. 15 iv xxxxxx Loss. 16 v xxxxxx Loss. 17 vi xxxxxx Loss. 18 vii xxxxxx Loss. 19 viii xxxxxx Loss. 20 ix xxxxxx Loss.
3. Battista Manfroi (Josué ) was born on 07/10/1868 in Cencenighe Agostino, Belluno, Vêneto, Itália. He died on 18/05/1914.
He had the following children:
+ 21 M i Victório Manfroi. + 22 M ii Celeste Manfroi.
6. Celeste Manfroi [image] (Josué ) was born on 15/12/1874 in Cencenighe Agostino, Belluno, Vêneto, Itália.
Celeste married Maria Serrati.
They had the following children:
23 M i Jorge Manfroi. 24 M ii João Manfroi. 25 F iii Anna Manfroi. 26 M iv Roberto Manfroi. 27 M v Sílvio Manfroi. 28 M vi Carlos Manfroi. 29 F vii Angela Manfroi. + 30 F viii Adelle Manfroi. 31 F ix Amália Manfroi.
8. Juditha Manfroi (Josué ) was born on 21/10/1878 in Cencenighe Agostino, Belluno, Vêneto, Itália. She died in 1940. Juditha emigrated in 1887.
Juditha married 1 Paulo Scapini son of Cezare Scapini and Rosa Stringhini on 29/04/1901 in Encantado, RS. Paulo was born 2 on 06/05/1880 in Tiradentes, Arroio do Meio, RS, Brasil. He died 3 on 18/03/1964 in Nova Bréscia, RS, Brasil. He was buried in Nova Bréscia, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
32 M i Pedro Scapini. 33 M ii Luiz Scapini. 34 M iii Eugênio Scapini. 35 F iv Josefina Scapini. 36 M v Mansuelo Scapini. 37 F vi Maria Scapini. 38 M vii Alfredo Scapini. 39 M viii Néscio Scapini. + 40 F ix Albina Scapini. 41 F x Ana Scapini. + 42 M xi João Scapini was born on 10/08/1908. He died on 05/01/1990.
10. Carlo Manfroi (Josué ) was born on 16/08/1882 in Trentino-Alto Ádige, Itália.
They had the following children:
43 M i Guerino Manfroi. 44 F ii Maria Manfroi. 45 M iii Clemente Manfroi. + 46 M iv Guido Manfroi. 47 M v Quintilho Manfroi.