Descendentes de Giovanni Maria Cantú

Fifth Generation


172. Luci Santina Cantú 1 (João Domingos , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born on 12/11/1953.

Luci married Décio Cavalet 1. Décio was born on 18/01/1955.

They had the following children:

  534 F i Andressa Cavalet 1 was born on 01/09/1977.
  535 F ii Gabrielle Cavalet 1 was born on 11/05/1979.
  536 F iii Bárbara Cavalet 1 was born on 31/03/1986.

173. Alvorí José Cantú 1 (João Domingos , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born on 16/06/1955.


Alvorí married Rejane Zago 1. Rejane was born on 20/06/1960.

They had the following children:

  537 F i Giovana Zago Cantú 1 was born on 09/02/1987.
  538 M ii Vinicius Zago Cantú 1 was born on 29/04/1989.

174. Roseli Joana Cantú 1 (João Domingos , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born on 22/03/1957. She died 2 in 1983 in Pato Branco, PR.

Roseli married Antônio Omeda 1.

They had the following children:

  539 F i Omeda 1.
  540 M ii Omeda 1.

176. Darci João Cantú (Valentim , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born 1 on 18/11/1940 in Videira.

Darci married Carmem Scarmoncin. Carmem was born 1 on 19/03/1946 in Videira.

They had the following children:

  541 M i Roberto Cantú was born on 06/02/1969. He died on 12/07/1990.
  542 F ii Simone Cantú.
        Simone married xxxxx Sentofanti.
  543 F iii Deise Cantú.
        Deise married xxxxx Paganini.

177. Virgílio Primo Cantú (Valentim , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born 1 on 01/01/1945 in Videira.

Virgílio married Sueli Genoveva Zanini Grazzi 1.

They had the following children:

  544 F i Flávia Aparecida Cantú.
  545 M ii Eduardo Cantú.

178. Leonilde Santina Cantú (Valentim , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born 1 on 24/06/1948 in Videira, SC, Brasil.

Leonilde married Angelim José Demo 1. Angelim was born on 18/01/1962.

They had the following children:

  546 F i Melissa Demo was born on 29/12/1976.
  547 F ii Caroline Demo was born on 21/07/1981.

187. Arlindo Cantú (Luiz , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born in 1927 in Iomerê, SC, Brasil.

Arlindo married Lorlai Paulina Fantinel.

They had the following children:

+ 548 M i Claudomir Antônio Cantú was born in 1950.
+ 549 F ii Ana Lúcia Cantú was born on 31/12/1952.
+ 550 M iii Carlos Roberto Cantú was born in 1955.
+ 551 F iv Sílvia Maria Cantú was born in 1961.
+ 552 F v Saloá Regina Cantú was born on 31/12/1966.
  553 F vi Andréia Cantú was born in Pato Branco, PR. [Notes]

188. Ivo Cantú (Luiz , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born in 1930. He died sim.

Ivo married Amélia Biscaro. Amélia was born in 1931.

They had the following children:

+ 554 M i Ademir Cantú was born in 1951.
+ 555 M ii Amilcar Cantú was born in 1952.
+ 556 M iii Ademar Cantú was born in 1954.
+ 557 M iv Altevir Cantú was born in 1956.
+ 558 F v Miriam Dolores Cantú was born in 1961.
+ 559 M vi Altaídes Cantú was born in 1962.

189. Elvino Cantú (Luiz , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born 1 on 09/01/1933 in Iomerê, SC, Brasil.

Elvino married Alzira Lopes da Silveira 1.

They had the following children:

+ 560 M i Luis Eduardo Cantú was born in 1955.
+ 561 M ii Paulo Roberto Cantú was born in 1957.
+ 562 M iii Alvaro Augusto Cantú was born in 1961.
+ 563 F iv Claudiana Cantú was born in 1969.

190. Udir Cantú "Baru" (Luiz , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born in 1935. He died sim.


Udir married Iraci Bertol. Iraci was born in 1942.

They had the following children:

+ 564 M i Robson Cantú was born on 06/06/1960.
+ 565 F ii Gisele Cantú was born in 1965.
+ 566 M iii Jefferson Cantú was born in 1965.
+ 567 M iv Peterson Cantú was born in 1967.

191. Nilze Cantú (Luiz , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born in 1941.

Nilze married Osmar Palaoro. Osmar was born in 1935.

They had the following children:

+ 568 F i Sonia Maria Palaoro was born in 1962.
+ 569 M ii Sandro Luis Palaoro was born in 1966.
  570 F iii Suzane Palaoro was born in 1973.

192. Alvacir Cantú (Luiz , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born in 1941.

Alvacir married Arno Luis Suckel. Arno was born in 1940.

They had the following children:

+ 571 M i Edson Luis Suckel was born in 1963.
+ 572 F ii Giovana Suckel was born in 1965.
+ 573 M iii Ronaldo Suckel was born in 1964.

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