561. Paulo Roberto Cantú (Elvino , Luiz , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born 1 in 1957 in Pato Branco, PR, Brasil.
Paulo married Sandra. Sandra was born in 1963.
They had the following children:
+ 946 F i Carolina Cantú was born in 1981. 947 F ii Gabriela Cantú was born 1 in 1984 in Curitiba, PR.
562. Alvaro Augusto Cantú (Elvino , Luiz , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born 1 in 1961 in Pato Branco, PR, Brasil.
Alvaro married Isabella Coelho. Isabella was born in 1967.
They had the following children:
948 F i Mariana Cantú was born 1 in 1990 in Curitiba, PR. 949 M ii Lucas Cantú was born 1 in 1992 in Curitiba, PR.
563. Claudiana Cantú (Elvino , Luiz , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born 1 in 1969 in Curitiba, PR, Brasil.
Claudiana married João Carlos Daleff. João was born in 1968.
They had the following children:
950 M i Eduardo Daleff was born 1 in 1995 in Curitiba, PR. 951 F ii Fernanda Daleff was born 1 in Curitiba, PR.
564. Robson Cantú [image] (Udir , Luiz , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born on 06/06/1960.
Robson married Raquel Patuchen. Raquel was born in 1964.
They had the following children:
952 M i Humberto Gabriel Cantú was born in 1982. 953 M ii Alexandre Pastuchen Cantú was born in 1986.
565. Gisele Cantú (Udir , Luiz , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born in 1965.
Gisele married (1) Oscar W. Bond.
They had the following children:
954 F i Aline Bond was born in 1982.
Gisele married (2) Sandro Pilcheman.
They had the following children:
955 M ii Acauan Cantu Pilcheman. 956 F iii Aline Cantú Pilcheman.
566. Jefferson Cantú (Udir , Luiz , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born in 1965.
Jefferson married Cleonir Faggion. Cleonir was born in 1965.
They had the following children:
957 F i Dandara Cantú was born in 1991. 958 F ii Tainá Cantú was born in 1995.
567. Peterson Cantú (Udir , Luiz , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born in 1967.
Peterson married XXXXXX Chiochetta.
They had the following children:
959 F i Maria Luiza Chiochetta Cantú was born in 1992.
568. Sonia Maria Palaoro (Nilze Cantú , Luiz , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born in 1962.
Sonia married Paulo Caramori. Paulo was born in 1962.
They had the following children:
960 F i Juliane Caramori was born in 1982. 961 F ii Caroline Caramori was born in 1988. 962 M iii Lucas Caramori was born in 1992.
569. Sandro Luis Palaoro (Nilze Cantú , Luiz , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born in 1966.
Sandro married Vanuza C.. Vanuza was born in 1967.
They had the following children:
963 F i Daiane Palaoro was born in 1989.
571. Edson Luis Suckel (Alvacir Cantú , Luiz , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born in 1963.
Edson married Rosemary. Rosemary was born in 1970.
They had the following children:
964 F i Karina Suckel was born in 1988. 965 M ii Diogo Suckel was born in 1995.
572. Giovana Suckel (Alvacir Cantú , Luiz , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born in 1965.
Giovana married Edson van Burgel. Edson was born in 1961.
They had the following children:
966 F i Natália van Burgel was born in 1988. 967 M ii Rafael van Burgel was born in 1992.
573. Ronaldo Suckel (Alvacir Cantú , Luiz , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born in 1964.
Ronaldo married Cleonice. The marriage ended in divorce.Cleonice was born in 1973.
They had the following children:
968 M i Robson Suckel was born in 1991. 969 M ii Roni Suckel was born in 1994.