193. Marli Cantú (Luiz , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born in 1947.
Marli married Alberto Lenza. Alberto was born in 1943.
They had the following children:
574 F i Roberta Lenza was born in 1972. 575 F ii Renata Lenza was born in 1979.
194. Dalva Cantú (Luiz , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born in 1948.
Dalva married Marco Polo. Marco was born in 1944.
They had the following children:
+ 576 F i Larissa Polo was born in 1972. 577 M ii Rodrigo Polo was born in 1977.
205. Mário Cantú (XXXXXX , Emilio , Francesco , Giovanni Maria ) was born in 1953.
He had the following children:
578 F i Chiara Cantú was born in 1978.