73. Jorge Roberto Dolgener "Pida" (Max Gunder Dolgener , Alma Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born 1 on 28/06/1966 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.
Jorge married Raymonde Cusin on 01/05/1993 in Sion, Suíça. Raymonde was born on 25/01/1965 in Sion, Suíça.
They had the following children:
80. Marlise Hart (Irani Browers , Wilma Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born on 05/08/1965.
Marlise married Edison Lutz. Edison was born on 17/11/1964 in Roca Sales - RS.
Edison and Marlise had the following children:
127 M i Fabiano Lutz was born on 27/07/1994.
81. Guinter Hart (Irani Browers , Wilma Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born on 02/02/1972.
Guinter married Ivania Hass. Ivania was born on 09/06/1973.
They had the following children:
128 F i Michele Hart was born on 13/09/1991.
83. Leandro Daniel Porsche (Dagmar Browers , Wilma Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born on 07/05/1977 in Arroio da Seca,Estrela, RS, Brasil.
Leandro married Liane Horst. Liane was born on 13/09/1975.
They had the following children:
129 F i Daiane Cristina Porsche was born on 18/04/2003.
86. Zilmar Rohde (Selma Rohde , Ana Sofia Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born in 1944.
Zilmar married (1) Maria Jane Ribeiro.
Zilmar married (2) Rosa Inéia.
They had the following children:
130 M i Edemar Inéia was born in 1971. 131 M ii Luciano Inéia Rohde was born in 1975.
Zilmar married (3) Maria Dorvalina da Silva.
They had the following children:
132 F iii Anabel Rohde was born in 1993.
87. Maria Helena Rohde de Oliveira (Selma Rohde , Ana Sofia Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born in 1952.
Maria married João Toledo. João was born in 1952.
They had the following children:
133 M i Alexandre de Oliveira Toledo was born in 1975.
88. Aneli Ana Rohde de Oliveira (Selma Rohde , Ana Sofia Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born in 1954.
Aneli married Paulo Rodrigues. Paulo was born in 1954.
They had the following children:
+ 134 F i Suzana de Oliveira Rodrigues was born in 1978. 135 M ii Rodrigo de Oliveira Rodrigues was born in 1979. + 136 M iii Ricardo de Oliveira Rodrigues was born in 1980.
90. Elemar Rohde de Oliveira (Selma Rohde , Ana Sofia Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born in 1958.
Elemar married Irene Vieira. Irene was born in 1956.
They had the following children:
137 F i Viviane Vieira de Oliveira was born in 1981.
92. Rudimar Rohde de Oliveira (Selma Rohde , Ana Sofia Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born in 1960.
Rudimar married Elisa Aires. Elisa was born in 1961.
They had the following children:
+ 138 F i Ana Carolina Aires de Oliveira was born in 1981. 139 M ii Felipe Aires de Oliveira was born in 1983. 140 M iii Bruno Aires de Oliveira was born in 1993.
93. Delmar Jorge Rohde de Oliveira (Selma Rohde , Ana Sofia Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born in 1963.
Delmar married (1) Margarete Pontes Oliveira. Margarete was born in 1963.
They had the following children:
141 F i Cristiane de Oliveira was born in 1982. 142 M ii Mauro de Oliveira was born in 2002.
Delmar married (2) Edina XXXXXX.
They had the following children:
143 M iii Jonatas de Oliveira was born in 1996. 144 F iv Laura de Oliveira was born in 2002.
94. Lisiomar Jorge Rohde de Oliveira (Selma Rohde , Ana Sofia Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born in 1965.
Lisiomar married Márcia Vieira. Márcia was born in 1968.
They had the following children:
145 M i Roger Rohde de Oliveira was born in 1989. 146 F ii Maria Rohde de Oliveira was born in 1996.
95. Délio Funke (Ritta Rohde , Ana Sofia Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born in 1954.
Délio married Gertrudes Rieger. Gertrudes was born in 1960.
They had the following children:
147 F i Ana Patrícia Funke was born in 1979.