24. Olinda Brinkmann (Reynoldo , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born on 11/02/1924 in Três Saltos, Marquês de Souza, Lajeado, RS, Brasil. She died in Estrela, RS, Brasil.
Olinda married Ervino Trentini on 19/07/1940 in Vila Sério - Lajeado - RS. Ervino was born on 15/02/1914. He died on 15/01/1974 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.
Ervino and Olinda had the following children:
47 M i Eloy Maria Trentini was born on 22/05/1942 in Arroio Abelha, Lajeado, RS, Brasil. He died on 11/09/1945 in Estrela, RS, Brasil. The cause of death was Difteria. + 48 M ii Darci Antônio Trentini was born on 22/03/1946. He died on 24/09/1990. + 49 M iii Elmar Luís Trentini was born on 02/06/1949. He died on 09/04/1988. + 50 M iv Nestor Idelfonso Trentini was born on 07/04/1954. + 51 M v Josué Inácio Trentini was born on 11/05/1960.
25. Lauro Gattermann (Frida Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born on 12/12/0006. He died on 12/10/1991 in Ijuí, RS, Brasil. The cause of death was Enfarte.
They had the following children:
+ 52 M i Claudir Gattermann. 53 M ii Victo Gattermann died xx/xx/xxxx in Ijuí - RS. [Notes] + 54 M iii Rubi Gattermann. + 55 F iv Elise Gattermann. 56 M v Ney Gattermann.
29. Herta Gattermann (Frida Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born on 23/05/1939 in Arroio da Seca, Estrela, RS, Brasil.
Herta married Nelson Sostmeier [image]. Nelson was born on 19/01/1940 in Arroio da Seca, Estrela, RS, Brasil. He died on 16/06/2016. He was buried in Seca Baixa, Imigrante, RS, Brasil.
Nelson and Herta had the following children:
57 M i Nilson Sostmeier was born on 07/09/1967 in Estrela, RS, Brasil. [Notes] 58 M ii Rudi Sostmeier was born on 29/12/1977. 59 M iii Rudimar Sostmeier was born on 29/12/1977 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.
30. Ivo Gattermann [image] (Frida Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born on 09/05/1941 in Estrela, RS, Brasil. He died on 25/08/2016. He was buried Seca Baixa, Imigrante, RS, Brasil.
Ivo married Anita Dickel. Anita was born on 28/03/1946.
They had the following children:
+ 60 M i Ariberto Gattermann was born on 07/06/1967. + 61 F ii Anelise Gattermann was born on 10/03/1975. 62 F iii Anemari Gattermann was born on 23/08/1983 in Estrela, RS, Brasil. 63 F iv Adriana Gattermann was born on 25/06/1988.
31. Erna Gattermann (Frida Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born on 06/03/1944 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.
Erna married Arnoldo Fussiger. Arnoldo was born on 02/04/1945 in Estrela, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
+ 64 F i Lurdes Fátima Fussiger was born on 04/09/1968. 65 M ii Délio Fussiger was born on 17/11/1972. [Notes] 66 F iii Eliane Fussiger was born on 02/07/1973. [Notes]
32. Erico Gattermann (Frida Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born on 17/03/1947.
Erico married Irene Pereira da Silva. Irene was born on 10/05/1953 in Paverama - Taquari - RS.
They had the following children:
67 M i Volnei Gattermann was born on 28/05/1976 in Estrela - RS. [Notes] 68 M ii Volmir Gattermann was born on 03/09/1977 in Estrela - RS. [Notes] 69 M iii Luciano Gattermann was born on 27/10/1978. [Notes] 70 M iv Cristiano Gattermann was born on 18/09/1993.
33. Curt Heinz Dolgener "Heinz" (Alma Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born on 02/05/1937 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. He died on 21/10/1990 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. He was buried in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.
Curt married Noêmia Gerhardt [image]. Noêmia was born on 24/11/1948.
They had the following children:
+ 71 M i Arno Augusto Dolgener.
34. Max Gunder Dolgener [image] (Alma Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born 1 on 16/05/1939 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.
Max married 1 Gerda Teresinha Heineck [image] daughter of Natalício Heineck and Irena Catharina Ewald on 22/02/1964 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. Gerda was born on 01/09/1943 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
+ 72 F i Rosângela Dolgener was born on 30/12/1964. + 73 M ii Jorge Roberto Dolgener was born on 28/06/1966.
35. Lotário Ebing (Rosa Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) died on 31/03/2003.
They had the following children:
74 M i Ari Eben. 75 ii Reni Eben.
36. Nelson Ebing (Rosa Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ).
They had the following children:
76 F i Margarete Ebing. 77 F ii XXXXX Ebing.
37. Milton Brinkmann [image] (Alfredo , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born on 19/05/1938 in Seca Baixa, Imigrante, RS, Brasil. He died on 18/01/1971 in Seca Baixa, Imigrante, RS, Brasil. He was buried on 19/01/1971 in Seca Baixa, Imigrante, RS, Brasil.
Milton married Anilda Suhre daughter of Julio Suhre and Frieda Lückmeier on 06/07/1963 in Seca Baixa - Imigrante - RS. Anilda was born on 05/09/1937 in Arroio da Seca, Estrela, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
78 M i Ernani Brinkmann was born on 03/09/1964 in Arroio da Seca, Estrela, RS, Brasil.
39. Lira Browers (Wilma Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born on 24/09/1941 in Arroio da Seca, Estrela, RS, Brasil.
Lira married João Horst. The marriage ended in divorce.João was born on 21/11/1940.
They had the following children:
79 M i Gilberto Horst was born on 01/11/1961 in Arroio da Seca, Estrela, RS, Brasil.