40. Irani Browers (Wilma Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born on 30/11/1944 in Arroio da Seca,Estrela, RS, Brasil.
Irani married Ito Hart on 16/01/1965. Ito was born on 14/06/1940 in Arroio da Seca,Estrela, RS, Brasil. He died on 10/04/1982 in Arroio da Seca,Estrela, RS, Brasil. He was buried on 11/04/1982 in Arroio da Seca,Estrela, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
+ 80 F i Marlise Hart was born on 05/08/1965. + 81 M ii Guinter Hart was born on 02/02/1972.
41. Dagmar Browers (Wilma Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born on 10/07/1950 in Arroio da Seca,Estrela, RS, Brasil.
Dagmar married Ademar Eliseu Porsche on 11/09/1971. Ademar was born on 30/06/1949. He died on 28/04/2005. He was buried in Seca Baixa, Imigrante, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
82 M i Luís Fernando Porsche was born on 18/07/1973 in Arroio da Seca,Estrela, RS, Brasil. + 83 M ii Leandro Daniel Porsche was born on 07/05/1977.
42. Mário Browers [image] (Wilma Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born on 10/11/1956 in Arroio da Seca, Estrela, RS, Brasil. He died on 11/02/2001 in Arroio da Seca, Estrela, RS, Brasil.
Mário married Nilsa Bücker on 29/09/1979. Nilsa was born on 16/02/1955.
They had the following children:
84 F i Rúbia Gabriela Browers was born on 03/03/1983. Rúbia married Evair Furlaneto. 85 F ii Roberta Caroline Browers was born on 06/11/1996.
43. Selma Rohde (Ana Sofia Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born in 1927.
Selma married Maximiliano da Silva de Oliveira. Maximiliano was born in 1923.
They had the following children:
+ 86 M i Zilmar Rohde was born in 1944. + 87 F ii Maria Helena Rohde de Oliveira was born in 1952. + 88 F iii Aneli Ana Rohde de Oliveira was born in 1954. 89 M iv Osmar Luiz Rohde de Oliveira was born in 1957. + 90 M v Elemar Rohde de Oliveira was born in 1958. 91 M vi Waldemar Rohde de Oliveira was born in 1959. + 92 M vii Rudimar Rohde de Oliveira was born in 1960. + 93 M viii Delmar Jorge Rohde de Oliveira was born in 1963. + 94 M ix Lisiomar Jorge Rohde de Oliveira was born in 1965.
44. Ritta Rohde (Ana Sofia Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born in 1936.
Ritta married Ormildo Funke. Ormildo was born in 1931. He died in 2002.
They had the following children:
+ 95 M i Délio Funke was born in 1954.
45. MIretta Rohde (Ana Sofia Brinkmann , Bernhard Johannes , Eberhard Henrich ) was born in 1936.
MIretta married Arnaldo Pereira da Silva. Arnaldo was born in 1929.
They had the following children:
+ 96 F i Nair Pereira da Silva was born in 1955. 97 F ii Clair Pereira da Silva was born in 1956. 98 M iii Valdir Carlos Pereira da Silva was born in 1958. 99 M iv Valdori Pereira da Silva was born in 1960. 100 F v Maria Claudete Pereira da Silva was born in 1963.
46. Nelma Brinkmann (Fridoldo , Rodolf , Eberhard Henrich ).
Nelma married Rodrigo Techemeier.
They had the following children:
101 M i Vilson Techemeier.[Notes]