47. Newton Luis Fluck (Gastão Luiz Fluck , Antonia Elisa Ewald , Ludwig , Anton ) was born on 20/01/1968.
Newton married Ivonete de Borba Oliveira. Ivonete was born on 31/03/1980.
They had the following children:
90 M i Alisson Luis Oliveira Fluck was born on 07/05/1997.
49. Márcia Loch (Liane Terezinha Fluck , Antonia Elisa Ewald , Ludwig , Anton ) was born on 21/08/1959.
Márcia married Ângelo Jesus Pereira dos Santos on 23/10/1982. Ângelo was born on 15/09/1959.
They had the following children:
91 M i Leandro Loch dos Santos was born on 12/07/1984.
50. Marcos Loch (Liane Terezinha Fluck , Antonia Elisa Ewald , Ludwig , Anton ) was born on 25/09/1960.
Marcos married Maria Dirce Caneppele. Maria was born on 16/03/1962.
They had the following children:
92 M i Fernando Loch was born on 25/03/1981.
51. Denise Garcia (Helena Maria Fluck , Antonia Elisa Ewald , Ludwig , Anton ) was born on 28/08/1963.
Denise married (1) Hamilton Bastos Silva on 08/09/1984. The marriage ended in divorce.Hamilton was born on 06/08/1958.
They had the following children:
93 M i João Paulo Garcia Bastos Silva was born on 13/08/1985.
Denise married (2) Alexandre Alves da Silva on 03/10/1997. The marriage ended in divorce.Alexandre was born on 23/07/1967.
They had the following children:
94 F ii Letícia Maria Garcia Silva was born on 11/02/1994.
52. Tunin Wraase (Mirna Suzana Ewald , Ludwig Rudolph , Ludwig , Anton ) was born on 18/04/1967.
Tunin married Ana Maria Torrontegui. The marriage ended in divorce.Ana was born on 19/03/1970.
They had the following children:
95 M i Cristiano Torrontegui Wraase was born on 01/11/2000. 96 F ii Caroline Torrontegui Wraase was born on 01/11/2000.
53. Taciana Wraase (Mirna Suzana Ewald , Ludwig Rudolph , Ludwig , Anton ) was born on 04/09/1971.
Taciana married Diego Capalonga. Diego was born on 31/05/1973.
They had the following children:
97 M i Guilherme Wraase Capalonga was born on 04/10/2000.
55. Aline Ewald (Luís Carlos , Ludwig Rudolph , Ludwig , Anton ) was born on 25/10/1973.
Aline married Daisson João Diedrich. Daisson was born on 25/12/1972.
They had the following children:
98 M i Felipe Ewald Diedrich was born on 17/12/2004.
56. Maurício Ewald (Luís Carlos , Ludwig Rudolph , Ludwig , Anton ) was born on 11/02/1979.
Maurício married Úrsula Jacobs. Úrsula was born on 27/03/1979.
They had the following children:
99 F i Antônia Jacobs Ewald was born on 23/01/2012.
57. Leonardo Ewald (José Roberto , Ludwig Rudolph , Ludwig , Anton ) was born on 24/10/1977.
Leonardo married Janaína Duarte. Janaína was born on 01/10/1975.
They had the following children:
100 M i Leonardo Duarte Ewald was born on 22/09/2012.
58. Luciano Ewald (José Roberto , Ludwig Rudolph , Ludwig , Anton ) was born on 04/10/1980.
Luciano married Gisele Kuhn. Gisele was born on 23/10/1978.
They had the following children:
101 F i Luisa Kuhn Ewald was born on 14/12/2012.