Descendants of Anton Ewald

Third Generation

6. Irena Catharina Ewald (Ludwig , Anton ) was born on 22/12/1906 in Marques de Souza, Lajeado, RS, Brasil. She died on 12/09/1993 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.

Irena married Natalício Heineck [image] son of Pedro Willibrando Heineck and Catharina Guilland on 12/09/1931 in Lajeado, RS. Natalício was born 1 on 11/12/1901 in Bom fim, Lajeado, RS, Brasil. He died on 07/08/1966 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.

They had the following children:

  14 F i Carmen Maria Heineck was born on 06/09/1932 in Lajeado, RS.
        Carmen married João Carlos Weiand on 15/08/1972 in Lajeado, RS. João was born on 15/10/1906. He died on 14/06/1982 in Lajeado, RS.
+ 15 M ii Paulo Ignácio Heineck was born on 26/07/1934. He died on 10/01/1998.
+ 16 M iii Nestor José Heineck was born on 21/07/1936.
+ 17 F iv Dóris Helena Heineck was born on 09/03/1940.
+ 18 F v Gerda Teresinha Heineck was born on 01/09/1943.

7. Antonia Elisa Ewald (Ludwig , Anton ) was born on 13/06/1907 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. She died on 09/05/1996 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil.

Antonia married Alberto Oscar Fluck on 14/11/1931. Alberto was born on 19/01/1903. He died on 02/03/1996.

They had the following children:

+ 19 M i Nelson Henrique Fluck was born on 25/04/1933.
  20 M ii Sérgio José Fluck was born on 12/07/1934. He died on 06/03/1935.
+ 21 M iii Gastão Luiz Fluck was born on 31/01/1936. He died on 20/04/1990.
+ 22 F iv Liane Terezinha Fluck was born on 14/07/1937. She died on 01/09/2010.
+ 23 F v Helena Maria Fluck was born on 09/12/1941.
  24 F vi Niva Isabel Fluck was born on 30/08/1946.

9. Ludwig Rudolph Ewald (Ludwig , Anton ) was born on 24/10/1912. He died on 06/01/1986.

Ludwig married Helma Bergmann. Helma was born on 04/04/1916. She died on 25/12/2003.

They had the following children:

  25 F i Marlise Theresinha Ewald was born on 07/09/1938.
+ 26 F ii Mirna Suzana Ewald was born on 11/03/1940.
+ 27 M iii Luís Carlos Ewald was born on 27/04/1945. He died on 04/11/2013.
+ 28 M iv José Roberto Ewald was born on 19/10/1947.

13. Mário Emílio Ewald (Ludwig , Anton ) was born on 15/12/1923 in Lajeado, RS, Brasil. He died on 24/12/1985.

Mário married Rovena Maria Ruschel on 31/03/1951. Rovena was born on 25/07/1925 in Arroio do Meio, RS, Brasil.

They had the following children:

+ 29 M i Luiz Fernando Ewald was born on 02/08/1952.
+ 30 M ii Edgar José Ewald was born on 02/07/1954.
+ 31 F iii Cecília Maria Ruschel Ewald was born on 24/05/1958.
+ 32 M iv João Batista Ruschel Ewald was born on 03/04/1961.

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