30. Edgar José Ewald (Mário Emílio , Ludwig , Anton ) was born on 02/07/1954 in Arroio do Meio, RS, Brasil.
Edgar married Jucélia Custódio on 25/01/1984. Jucélia was born on 09/03/1955 in Criciúma, SC.
They had the following children:
31. Cecília Maria Ruschel Ewald (Mário Emílio , Ludwig , Anton ) was born on 24/05/1958 in Jaguarão, RS.
Cecília married Balmes Vega Garcia. The marriage ended in divorce.Balmes was born on 26/12/1954 in São Paulo, SP.
They had the following children:
63 M i Pedro Ruschel Ewald Vega Garcia was born on 02/04/1993 in São Paulo, SP. 64 F ii Bruna Ruschel Ewald Vega Garcia was born on 08/04/1998 in São Paulo, SP, Brasil.
32. João Batista Ruschel Ewald (Mário Emílio , Ludwig , Anton ) was born on 03/04/1961 in Jaguarão, RS.
João married Márcia Carvalho on 10/08/1991. Márcia was born on 25/02/1965 in Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.
They had the following children:
65 F i Carolina Carvalho Ewald was born on 24/10/1996 in Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil.