Descendants of José (Giuseppe) Defendi

First Generation

1. José (Giuseppe) Defendi was born on 03/01/1868 in Itália. He died on 03/10/1950. José emigrated in 1886.


José married Luíza (Luigia) Paludo daughter of Angelo Paludo and Santa Sechinei on 26/06/1896. Luíza was born on 14/07/1876 in TV, Itália. She died on 19/06/1928 in Fão, Lajeado, RS, Brasil.

They had the following children:

+ 2 M i João Defendi was born on 12/06/1895.
  3 M ii Angelo Defendi was born on 12/10/1896 in Cotiporã, RS, Brasil. He was christened 1 on 15/11/1896 in Cotiporã, RS, Brasil. [Notes]
+ 4 M iii Pedro Defendi was born on 10/01/1898.
+ 5 F iv Maria Defendi was born on 17/02/1899.
+ 6 F v Antônia Defendi was born on 27/04/1901.
+ 7 F vi Melânia (Meania) Defendi was born on 27/10/1904. She died on 03/04/1973.
+ 8 M vii Luigi Defendi was born on 14/07/1906.
+ 9 M viii Fermino Defendi was born in 1916.
+ 10 M ix Angelo Defendi was born in 1918.
  11 F x Josepina Defendi was born in 1921.
  12 F xi Pierina Defendi.
        Pierina married Rafael Fontana. [Notes]
+ 13 F xii Carolina Defendi.

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