2. Mariangela Martins Cantú (Andrea ) was born on 18/04/1960.
Mariangela married Roberto Mannarino son of Xxxxx Mannarino and Xxxxx. Roberto was born on 12/04/1959.
They had the following children:
5 M i Sérgio Cantú Mannarino was born on 14/05/1981. 6 M ii Marcos Cantú Mannarino was born on 21/06/1982. 7 F iii Gabriela Cantú Mannarino was born on 13/11/1986.
3. André Martins Cantú (Andrea ) was born on 26/10/1961.
André married Maria Del Pilar Pellicer. Maria was born on 01/01/1955.
They had the following children:
8 M i João Azul Pellicer Cantú was born on 31/05/1984. 9 F ii Branca Pallicer Cantú was born on 15/10/1989.
4. Marisa Martins Cantú (Andrea ) was born on 28/11/1968.
Marisa married Laerte Silva Lima. Laerte was born on 09/01/1965.
They had the following children:
10 M i Daniel Cantú Lima was born on 20/11/1994.