Descendentes de Giovanni Maria Cantú

Sixth Generation


485. Ederson Cantú (Alzemiro , José Vergílio , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ).

Ederson married Diles Tavares.

They had the following children:

  900 M i Jean Carlo Cantú.
  901 F ii Mariana Cantú.

487. Cristine Matielo (Esmeralda Cantú , José Vergílio , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ).

Cristine married Jeferson Cardoso.

They had the following children:

  902 F i Rafaela Cardoso.
  903 M ii Rodrigo Cardoso.

488. Cláudia Matielo (Esmeralda Cantú , José Vergílio , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ).

Cláudia married Osmar Braum.

They had the following children:

  904 M i Felipe Braum.

489. Carla Matielo (Esmeralda Cantú , José Vergílio , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ).

Carla married Rudimar Ceni.

They had the following children:

  905 M i Bruno Ceni.

505. Maria Sueli Cantú (Angelim , Amante , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born on 19/01/1954.

Maria married Luiz Fernando Britto. Luiz was born on 08/10/1944.

They had the following children:

  906 F i Fernanda Maria Cantú Britto was born on 25/01/1984.

506. Jorge Orlando Cantú (Orlando , Amante , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born 1 on 30/04/1958 in Curitiba, PR, Brasil.

Jorge married (1) Sandra Regina Chavier Correia 1.

They had the following children:

  907 M i Jorge Orlando Cantú Filho was born 1 on 20/06/1988 in Curitiba, PR.
  908 F ii Letícia Correia Cantú [image] was born 1 on 17/12/1994 in Curitiba, PR. [Notes]

Jorge married (2) Ana Lúcia Malucelli Moro. The marriage ended in divorce.

They had the following children:

  909 F iii Giselle Moro Cantú [image] was born on 31/12/1983. [Notes]
  910 F iv Thaísa Moro Cantú was born on 14/09/1985.

507. Gilberto Cantú 1 (Orlando , Amante , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ).

Gilberto married Léa 1.

They had the following children:

  911 M i Felipe Cantú 1.
  912 F ii Andréa Cantú 1.

508. Paulo Henrique Cantú 1 (Orlando , Amante , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born on 03/10/1963 in Curitiba, PR, Brasil.

Paulo married Angela Maria Porto 1. Angela was born on 31/01/1969.

They had the following children:

  913 F i Luciana Ricardo Cantú was born 1 on 02/09/1987 in Curitiba, PR.
  914 F ii Talita Ricardo Cantú was born 1 on 26/05/1991 in Curitiba, PR.

509. Maristela Cantú (Orlando , Amante , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born 1 on 28/08/1967 in Curitiba, PR, Brasil.

Maristela married (1) Edes Grob.

They had the following children:

  915 M i Eduardo Brian Grob 1.

Maristela married (2) Deusdete Moura de Souza.

They had the following children:

  916 F ii Heloisa Cantú Moura de Souza 1.

513. Almir Antônio Cantú (Nilton , Cezare , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ).

Almir married Shirle Lourdes de Castilhos.

They had the following children:

  917 M i Nilton Cantú Neto.
  918 F ii Nicole de Castilhos Cantú.

524. Sandra Sonalio 1 (Ludi Maria Cantú , João Domingos , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born on 18/01/1962.

Sandra married Marcelo Tomaz. Marcelo was born on 17/07/1959.

They had the following children:

  919 M i Thiago Tomaz was born on 03/02/1984.
  920 F ii Heloisa Tomaz was born on 29/05/1985.

525. Soraia Suzane Sonalio 1 (Ludi Maria Cantú , João Domingos , Pietro Silvio , Domenico , Giovanni Maria ) was born on 29/04/1963.

Soraia married Vilsom Buzato. Vilsom was born on 15/11/1963.

They had the following children:

  921 F i Rafaela Buzato was born on 05/09/1986.
  922 M ii Felipe Buzato was born on 28/05/1988.

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